@dabeanery55 Hey Zach, Which server were you playing on?
@Normal_Gam3r Thank you :) Apology accepted. We all get a little heated sometimes
@ProjectGeologic We're working closely with Gportal on implementing a solution :)
@Czarbear420 We've done some back-end changes that should improve things and we're also working on implementing a long-term solution.
@OmegaLarmor @VideoGameDana They're not mandatory to finish the game, but they do drop some decent crafting materials :)
@MalenkoBrasi You don't have to pay anything to play on an official server :) Renting a server from G-portal, our server partner, does cost money
@robisboreds: A little behind the scenes grinding of our Conan Exiles series. Me hanging on the inside wall of my base with a Corrupted…
@ronal_dinho2013 @darkatek7 Thank you for the feedback :) We currently don't have plans for this, but we know it's something the console community wants, so it's under consideration.
@siciliancuz03 It's green and up and running on our status page, but we've had some issues recently with our PS4 servers, preventing players from connecting. We're investigating the issue and working on implementing a solution.
@19Andy78 We're working on rolling it out on the Xbox One. It just took a little longer than we initially planned.
@Solearo @funcom We did roll out a fix for this. Is this happening on all building pieces and placeables?
Servers should already be visible again or become visible progressively. There might still be hiccups with some of them so please give it a bit of time. The Turan DLC should now also be unlocked for everyone who purchased the Season 2 Pass. Thanks for your patience :)
@joshuamonroeha1 @OfVallah The Turan DLC with the Season 2 Pass should be available now though.
@OfVallah We are still waiting for Sony to look into the issue. There is unfortunately nothing we can do from our side at the moment.
We are still looking into the PS4 Server issues. The servers seem to be up and running. For those of you who try to connect and can't find their servers: Does it work if you enter the server number manually? Again, we do apologize for any frustration this may cause.
@Kalanigr We can't help with private servers. You do need to contact your server provider directly.
@ArttuRautiainen That is a different issue and being looked into by our tech team.
PS4 official servers are being restarted. It should take around 10 minutes. Thank you for your patience. Please let us know if you still have issues after the restart.
@aywin_lemaster That is the whole idea behind your DLCs. They are cosmetic and optional. All game content (such as the new dungeon coming, new Skeleton and Frost Giant Pets, new weapons and recipes, new feats etc) are all free for everyone who owns the base game.
@FranchiseChris We only have access and power over the official servers. We have no control over private servers :)