[PC] Good Monday, Exiles! The official PC servers will be coming down in just a moment to attempt another fix for the invisible building issue. Servers will begin reappearing once updated. Thank you very much for your patience with these!
@Tamlin1 Thank you! We're adding this to the list and will forward it to the team.
@justkritta @funcom Yes, that sounds like a Private server. We have nothing to do with private server restarts or checks. You would have to contact an admin about that :)
@justkritta @funcom Can you let us know which server?
@Lax_broo Does it happen when you try to open or do anything in your inventory? Is there anything in particular you remember doing when you crash? Thanks for taking the time to report this to us.
@justkritta @funcom Hi there, sorry to hear the server is acting up. Is this an official server? Could you let us know which number if so?
@trikkzyy Hmm, let's try to get to the bottom of that. Where do you try to connect from and what server are you trying to connect to? Is it an official server(s)?
@Lax_broo Are you on an official server or private? Do you play online or solo? As mentioned, we are currently looking into console specific issues and are thankful for as much feedback as possible.
@trikkzyy Hey there, sorry to hear you have issues. Which platform are you playing on?
@Lax_broo Is that on a PS4 PRO? We are currently focusing on these issues and are collecting input from players on the official forums. Very sorry that you are running into this problem.
Share if you want to hear more about this watery mystery next week 🦈
@JulPondev It's never too late to become an Exile (again)!
@gaming_jim78 More reveals in time!
TWEXILES! You came in strong 🐳 🐋 🐙 🐬 🐟 🐠 🐚 and beat the Facexiles. Here is your first reward: Retweet if you like and guess what lies beneath..
@itsTonderz Hey there, please try playing on singleplayer for a minute or two then switch back over to the server. This will sometimes work as a temporary workaround. We're still gathering information on this particular crash so we appreciate your patience!
@LtimeOw It looks amazing!!
@Jadaell1982 It depends, but generally 15 minutes or so. If you don't see your server, make sure to change the filters. They all appear to be up and running at this time. Sorry for any trouble!
[PS4][XBOX] Servers are coming back up from a quick update. This just fixed an issue with names in the event logs! Thanks for your patience and understanding!
@therocket1988 Please try adjusting your filters. If the server is full, you may have filters that prevent full servers from showing.
[PC] Servers are going down for just a quick update. Clients won't need to be updated! This is to simply add some code for additional internal logging.