Regarding the Building Contest: We've extended the date! Submissions are being accepted until next Tuesday, April 9th. Winners will be announced on Thursday the 11th. So those who want to get in on this will have some extra time. :)
[PC] Quick hotfix out! We're rolling out a potential fix to the invisible buildings bug. We need as much information & data as possible on this particular issue as it can be hard to reproduce and find the specific cause. If you experience this, please let us know in the forums!
@darklightsun The "No Owner" title is just a visual bug. You should retain ownership :) Even though structures don't take damage from players on PvE server, they will still decay and require upkeep. Those are two different systems.
@ty1100942 Maybe. We can't say yes or no right now.
@Galaxy91180183 We're working on this :)
@jesterhead87 Wait and see what ;)
Now *that* is dedicating! We salute you, sir!
@JamieZeppetella @funcom Whoa, that's amazing!
@401Cap0ne Lookin' good!
@AK13_JEMsTv We like! :D
@JamieRichja1 We're working on this :)
@tap836 That would be extra funny.
Are you ready to once again witness the Exiled Lands be clad in darkness?
"Practicing them glorious lunges. Many battles with magic wielders end with your soul being stripped from your body, to be agonized for eternity at the leisure of an impure sorceror... Thankfully all I got was liquid ankles."
By "Conchobhar" from the unofficial Discord server.
Our friends over at Gameaholic are running a Gladiator Arena Event this weekend on their server, with amazing prices for the players who walk away as victor. Head on over to their forums to sign up:
@ConanUnconquerd: It's contest time! To celebrate the release date announcement of Conan Unconquered, we're opening a raffle. Follow thi…
@HeatherHastega: get wrekt #conanexiles
@Keyleth4 Hey there! You can still play with each other. :) But your friend won't be able to craft the DLC placeables without owning the DLC themselves. You could craft the DLC pieces, then give them to your friend to use.
Some of our European Xbox and PS4 servers (Servers 2000 - 2206 and 3000 - 3395) have been down for a bit, but we're giving them a little kind and they should be back shortly.
Today @funcom announced that @ConanUnconquerd, the upcoming Conan RTS from the Command & Conquer veterans at @Petroglyph, releases May 30! Pre-orders are now open. The Standard Edition will cost $29.99, or you can pre-order the Deluxe Edition for $39.99.