anniversary update! Cookie Clicker turns 9 today somehow so here's a tiny patch with a new feature!
check out v.2.049 on the beta
tomorrow, i bring you... gifts
yes, it’s available to players! once the patch hits you’ll be able to use it by clicking the “Edit ascend” button in the dev tools. i expect it could be useful to modders with some tweaks. you still have to declare the connections in code tho
@stf1129 it does! it's how i recorded the timelapse in the 1st tweet
got distracted again and rewrote the tool i use to position heavenly upgrades so i can make larger-scale changes easily
we should expand the debate regarding the correct pronunciation of "gif" to other words too, such as "gamer"
there's no sweet medium between premature optimization and technical debt. in fact there's a significant overlap
not enough applets these days. when's the last time you saw a webpage with embedded java
calling someone french is a low blow but sometimes it's warranted
@JeanLaMorale "l'existence précède l'essence" You, as a French speaker, probably know this. It is a quote from the great French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. And he also said "man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world – and defines himself afterwards"
strive to obsoletize the berlin interpretation with every release
make a roguelike that goes so hard people ditch the "Rogue" in roguelike and start using your game's name instead
on a human culture level i think it's lovely that something like Hatsune Miku gets to exist
@swagmichal british television does not and has never counted
give us the first tv series with a silent protagonist. it's time
i don't necessarily mean "deranged murderous AI" i mean the hubris of irresponsible science experiments breaking down. the loneliness of technology left to its own devices. the bittersweetness of that Exile Vilify song maybe
i want a tv show with Portal 2 vibes
mailer daemon. installation wizard. you know what i'm talking about. more of those please
i'm gonna put that project on hold for a bit in any case! got some Cookie Clicker stuff to tend to
bit worried about my current side-project overlapping with Filter Forge but i feel like they're different enough, ie. mine is: -destructive, meaning rotating an image then rotating it the other way will produce artifacts -slow, and intended to work with small images