over 4 years ago - ACE_JackalBark - Direct link

Hi, hello, friendly neighborhood CS manager here. 👋
First, it's our policy not to discuss disciplinary actions or warnings with anyone except the individual in question, so I won't comment on the specifics of any suspensions/bans/warnings/such and so on. I can talk about the Rules of Conduct and Terms and Conditions in general, though!
We take the use of slurs very seriously. We don't like them and we won't tolerate them. There are plenty of nice, snappy curses that are wholly permitted in-game. Pick a different word.

We investigate infractions against the RoC and T&C afte

over 4 years ago - Pann - Direct link

You just made it, @OnYourRight.

Question asked and answered. We're done here. If there are lingering legitimate questions about this policy, you can email Jack ([email protected]) or me ([email protected]).