about 1 year
ago -
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No DLC tab means that our launcher doesn't think you own any.
There. is nothing active you ought to have to do to get them in th egame; once bought MS/Gamepass/Xbox ought to make them available in your account there, and then to our launcher.
Do they appear as owned on your Xbox account online?
Have you linked your Paradox and Xbox accounts?
Can you try a test installatiion on any other computer you might have access to?
There. is nothing active you ought to have to do to get them in th egame; once bought MS/Gamepass/Xbox ought to make them available in your account there, and then to our launcher.
Do they appear as owned on your Xbox account online?
Have you linked your Paradox and Xbox accounts?
Can you try a test installatiion on any other computer you might have access to?