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ezsobre said: Thanks for the response. I'm no coder, but a computer dummy, but it looks like the launcher is looking for something called "Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/CoreHaptics," which, when you open the relevant location, the "frameworks" folder doesn't have in my version of the OS X, 10.13.6. I take that new versions of the OS have this, and this is the problem? Is this something that paradox might patch in a future version or am I sunk with the game for now since i can't upgrade my OS X on this computer? Thanks.If your launcher won't start, that is an unrelated problem to the one discussed in this thread, which is the game not starting.
ezsobre said: it looks for this: “System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/CoreHaptics.”I don't have exactly that either and it works fine for me (I do have System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/CoreHaptics and System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/ ). So that error is not the cause of your launcher or game problem.