almost 2 years ago - SAS - Direct link
Moved to Tech Support Forum  
almost 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
This game was never supported on MacOS 10.13, it is pure luck it used to run anyway. Unfortunately this patch also failed on 10.14 , that's being looked into.

The other issue that's new with 1.9.x is it will not start on Macs with Intel video systems; again that was not supported before 1.9 but the game used to run anyway.

If you can't update beyond 10.14, OR if you only have an Intel video system, all you can do is revert to the 1.8 patches in the Steam Betas tab for this game.  
almost 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
ezsobre said: Thanks for the response. I'm no coder, but a computer dummy, but it looks like the launcher is looking for something called "Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/CoreHaptics," which, when you open the relevant location, the "frameworks" folder doesn't have in my version of the OS X, 10.13.6. I take that new versions of the OS have this, and this is the problem? Is this something that paradox might patch in a future version or am I sunk with the game for now since i can't upgrade my OS X on this computer? Thanks.
If your launcher won't start, that is an unrelated problem to the one discussed in this thread, which is the game not starting.

In any case it seems unlikely the launcher will be updated to accommodate unsupported MacOS versions.

It's pretty unusual for a Mac to not be able to update MacOS versions; my 2017 iMac runs 13.3.1 just fine. What actual model do you have?  
almost 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
ezsobre said: it looks for this: “System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/CoreHaptics.”
I don't have exactly that either and it works fine for me (I do have System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/CoreHaptics and System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/ ). So that error is not the cause of your launcher or game problem.

Nevertheless if you are on MacOS 10.13 that is not supported. Now there is a game bug here because it doesn't work on 10.14 either, yet that is a supported version. So when they fix that, it is possible it will start working again under 10.13 too.

Let's hope!  
almost 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Well, we know the launcher still has problems under MacOS before 12.x, yes. It's not on all installations like that, the launcher devs have been unable to reproduce in under MacOS 10 or 11..

That said, that evinces as a JavaScript error that specifically mentions MacOS12, not the electron error you see there.