over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I did get this from one affected Gamepass user:

In case anyone else had issues when they purchased the season pass from gamepass.
The season pass shows no downloads and the dlc by itself looks like you need to purchase it.
Click the dlc and click the purchase.
It’ll change and say you own this already.
Click the same box that now says you own this already and it’ll ask you to download it.
Do the download and boom it finally adds
You need to do it for both northern and RC downloads.

Please let us know if that helps you!  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
That process is the only one I know of to address this, and it's been pretty successful.

If you tried it and it didn't help, I'm not sure what is wrong here.

Can you test this on a different machine? And/or this machine using a different Windows user?  
over 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
The launcher puts up a DLC tab only when it detects there are some. Clearly it is not, in some way, here.

Can you make a second Window suser on this machine and try it there?