about 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
You posted in a thread on an unrelated problem on a different OS, so I've moved you into your own thread.

Please delete the ~/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive/ folder. To see it go to the Finder, hit command-shift-G (ie Go To) and paste in ~/Library/Application Support/ . Then run the game from the PLAY Button in Steam, to reinstall the launcher.

If that does not get the launcher running, we will need these files from that same folder:

Attach ALL .log files Found here ~/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

Meanwhile you can run the game from ck3.app directly from Finder.  
about 1 year ago - AndrewT - Direct link
paddypatch said: I am also having the same problem tried all the trouble shooting recommended but was unsuccessful
That is not the same problem - the OP here was not getting the JavaScript error you see. Please make your own new thread in future, thanks.

This may be a bug in the launcher, which seems to require MacOS 12 now. Were you at all thinking of updating MacOS? If so please do that and confirm for me that it helps, then I can report that to the developers.