over 3 years ago - jakeowaty - Direct link


In order to help us in QA we wanted to provide you with some guidelines on how to write a bug report. If your reports follow the same structure it will help us quickly identify (and hopefully reproduce) the issues, which in turn will make us more efficient.

We will start with writing what a bug report should contain, and then give you an example to make things more clear.​

Our motto is “Less is More” - the shorter and more concise the description, the easier it is for us to log it in our system and, ultimately, fix whatever is bugging you! At the same time, the better quality screenshots and saves you provide, the better we’ll be able to narrow down the issue and get it logged in our system.

Alright, now let’s get down to the specifics:
  1. Summary:
    Short and concise, but descriptive enough to be able to decipher what is meant at a glance. Examples:
    Interface - Religious icon is missing
    AI - Allied AI does not come to my aid in war
    Audio - There is no sound effect when I click a holding

    Gameplay - Cannot scheme murder on my sister-wife
    (The form will automatically add CKIII to the title)
  2. Game Version:
    In order to find the version number, start the game and you will be able to find it in the launcher. It can also be found in the in-game main menu. Easiest way is to click the version number in the main menu of the game!
  3. Operating System:
    Very important step! Let us know if you game from Windows, Mac or Linux!
  4. Platform:
    Which platform of choice do you use to play your game from?
  5. Mods:
    Incredibly important! Let us know if you use mods when playing the game or not!
  6. Pain threshold:
    Tell us how badly found bugs hurt you! We’ll make them pay for what they have caused!
  7. Description:
    Write a longer description if the issue is complex and/or you think it might be useful for us to know what you did before it appeared. Other useful information is custom game setup, what nation you are playing and any other relevant information.
  8. Reproduction:
    Be polite. Be efficient. Note down everything that led you to this point.
  9. Attach a save taken just before the issue happened.
    If you don’t have a save from before the issue occurred, attach one where the issue is already present.
    (Saves are really useful for us, please attach them as often as you can.)
  10. Are you playing on the save from the previous/older version of the game?
  11. Uncropped screenshot of the issue.
  12. Lastly - if you run into the same bug that someone else has reported, please use the upvote option that is accessible in the thread and add any additional, relevant information that you possess.
    This will ensure that we are notified on the most common, most pressing issues that you might be experiencing!

Please do not report multiple issues in the same post. Make a single post for each issue. If you see that someone has reported what you have come across, add your information as a reply to the thread.

We would also like to thank @Imse Vimse for the original template and overall guidance.