4 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
FYI we in tech support cannot read crash dumps, only the devs over in Bug Reports can. But as you are not on a supported distro, we can't have you post them there I'm afraid.

Assuming you are on the latest Mesa and AMD proprietary drivers, I don't have a lot to suggest really.

Has this always been the case, or it was okay up to some point?

Does it matter whether you are in fullScreen, borderless or windowed display modes?

Are there any mods involved?  
4 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or better.

But we do recommend, if not require, the latest proprietary AMD drivers - can you try those?
4 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Interesting; certainly our older games used to specifically require proprietary drivers on Linux. I'm a little surprised we don't still say that with our latest games.

While my Linux knowledge is pretty rusty, my impression was even with them installed, Mesa was still used. But I could well be wrong or out of date.

I cannot, I am sorry, they will simply not spend time diagnosing issues on an supported distro. I have no direct channel to them anyway, I'd normally point you to the Bug Reports forum. We can only hope you see something revealing in those dumps, and/or any Linux logs you might have there.