over 1 year
ago -
Direct link
I suspect it’s the result of a privacy option as you say. You can access this menu using the instructions below:
[PC] Microsoft Store
- Open the Xbox App
- Click on your username
- Click ‘Settings’
- On the ‘Account’ page, scroll down to ‘Privacy Settings’
- Click the ‘Manage’ button on the right-hand side
- This will open a new browser tab, and instruct you to login
- Log in if/when prompted
- Select the ‘Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10 devices Online Safety’ tab in the centre of the page
- Open the Guide Menu by pressing the Xbox button on your controller
- Navigate to the ‘Profile & system’ tab
- Select ‘Settings’
- Navigate to ‘Account’
- Select ‘Privacy & online safety’
- Select ‘Xbox privacy’
- Select ‘View details & customise’
- Select ‘Communication & multiplayer’