12 months ago - FatsharkCatfish - Direct link

Hello, interesting question.

I spent a lot of time playing 40K tabletop & games such as DoW Dark Crusade and Soulstorm in my early to late teens, so understand that it’s all fictitious and have that line between reality and not.

Moderating it though is quite different, you do get quite a lot of people who just have no understanding that it’s satire. With the anonymity the internet gives means people feel more free to voice some god awful things, but that’s true everywhere online.

To be honest I moderate it in the same way as I moderate other spaces. Create a set of clear rules for the community to abide by, and if they break those rules they get warned or are removed. Generally As long as the members are talking about the fictional events, and not relating them to everyday life, it’s usually ok.

12 months ago - FatsharkCatfish - Direct link

We have to draw the line somewhere, and any discussions that talk about politics or real world events rarely go well. If you want to talk about something inspired by real world events you can reference it - but there is a point where it incites divisive discourse and that’s when it’s a no no.
With sites like Discord we have to be a little more cut and dry, as with close to 120,000 members we don’t want to wear out our hard working moderators who are absolute stars with what they have to put up with sometimes!