over 1 year
ago -
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Sorry to hear this. As a potential workaround, please try:
Delete Darktide AppData & Verify
NOTE: This will reset any custom keybindings.
- Press the Windows key + R
- Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
- Navigate to: AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\MicrosoftStore
- Delete the entire ‘Darktide’ directory
- Launch Darktide as normal
You will then need to use the ‘Verify and Repair’ option, which is accessible via the Xbox App and will ensure the installation is complete.
- Open the Xbox App
- In ‘My Library’, select ‘Darktide’
- Select ‘More Options (…)’
- Select ‘Manage’
- Select ‘Files’
- Select ‘Verify and Repair’