6 months ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Whew! Starting out strong :slight_smile:

I can imagine they’re in the thick of it, and sometimes people don’t always respond well under that amount of stress - I know I personally have said something outrageous during challenging times, at least once during my six years at Fatshark. :smiley:

6 months ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

For sure! I think it’s important to put any personal bias and emotion aside when communicating externally, which doesn’t always come naturally when you’re so passionate about what you’re doing. I was much more emotionally-charged when I started out at Fatshark, and quickly learnt what it was like to be humbled by the community. It’s an important lesson to learn. :heart:

As a side note, we might as well have a dedicated HD2 section at this point :joy:

6 months ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Yep! I haven’t yet, but will eventually.