almost 2 years
ago -
Direct link
We are aware of and working on the poor performance being reported after the latest patch.
In the mean time, switching to the experimental
build should resolve this.
Instructions on how to switch to the experimental
build can be seen below, and you can opt out at any time by deselecting the build within the dropdown.
Please bear in mind that this is experimental! This means certain aspects of Darktide, such as player portraits, may be missing.
- Open the Steam client
- Right-click Darktide in your Steam library
- Select ‘Properties’
- Select ‘Betas’
- Enter the password
- Select ‘Check Code’
- Select the ‘None’ dropdown, and
experimental - Experimental Builds
should now be within the list - Select
experimental - Experimental Builds
- Close the pop-up window
- A download should now start
- Play!