6 months ago - Axloss - Direct link

stuck in amd driver. Try reinstall or update them. If that doesn’t help, this might help https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-601

6 months ago - Axloss - Direct link

i looked a bit deeper in the crashdump and found out that it’s likely stalling on creating ray tracing objects (regardless if you have it on or not).

To force it off you can try in game files open win32_settings.ini and set ray_tracing, to false.
Meaning it should say
ray_tracing = false
instead of
ray_tracing = true

6 months ago - Axloss - Direct link

we are looking into how we can fix this in the future. Since modifying the ini file is not a good solution since it will be restored if you verify game files