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I see many builds wearing entry-level 5-power gear instead of 25 power gear.

I see people saying the Twin Suns at power 100 are weaker than a Recruit Repeater at 10 power.

I see Thundering Scythe at 20 power axe as the third best axe in the whole game.

So do we pretty much just look at the perk and cell slots a piece of gear provides and ignore the power?

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about 2 years ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheFaytalist

So then for early game (Repeaters Level 4), before reforging is even unlocked, Twin Suns is much better than Recruit's Repeaters yes?

Yes, but also something to keep in mind is Twin Suns have a much lower skill cap entry barrier so less experienced players are likely to do more with Twin Suns either way. Do what's fun, do what you enjoy, Twin Suns are perfectly effective.

You only really need to worry about the small details if you're trying to get on the Trials leaderboard. Otherwise, what works for you and is fun is what counts. My take is, if you forget to enjoy the journey, how will you enjoy the destination? Also, I still use Twin Suns for neutral weapon bounties cause they're fun.

about 2 years ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by Meirnon

Wrong, and I'm surprised u/Threef and u/Cinco4706 are suggesting this is the case.

Recruit Repeaters cannot be powersurged. They will always stay at T0, for 10 Power.

Twin Suns have a 90 power advantage. This amounts to a power modifier bonus of about +.257, which seems like a lot but there's a HUGE problem with Twin Suns kit.

Recruit Repeaters will hit for 150MV/shot.

Twin Suns will only hit for 90MV/shot. Even with its crit empowerment kit bonus, that's only hitting for about 108eMV/shot. When we apply its power modifier bonus, it's only hitting for 136 damage on average per 150 damage the recruit repeaters deal. You spent $10 to deal 10% less damage on average than recruit repeaters.

And I highly disagree with the notion that Twin Suns have a lower skillcap.

Edit: Just read back, user mentioned lvl 4 (I assumed 40 power repeaters)

I also worded that poorly. I meant at a lower level people will do more DPS with Twin Suns, so they have lower entry barrier (based on data). They do underperform compared to other repeaters late game though, as everyone has mentioned.