

18 Sep


Originally posted by Cinco4706

Here's to hoping the dev working on behemoths doesn't see this thread.

Oops, I gave him the link. Embermane is harder now. Got any more of those memes?


Here's to hoping the dev working on behemoths doesn't see this thread.

30 Aug


Hello Slayers ⚔️

Before I start, I'd like to remind you For a limited time, you can work towards a brand new crown!...Just make sure you have at least one reforge in each weapon type before the big update!

Now that that's out of the way, we've released our latest blog The Shattered Isles Dev Blog: Dauntless: Awakening. In it we highlight our Launch window, news on a PC Closed Beta, and instructions on how to join. In addition, we discuss our philosophy of involving the community in the creative process.

As a reminder, you can join us on ...

Read more External link →

23 Aug


Originally posted by -Ethereally-

Edit: I was incorrect.

I might be remembering incorrectly, but I believe the person who was in charge of the Trello page is gone. The devs did announce the last event on Discord, but couldn't find anything on this one however. Just a PSA for those who might wanna get on for it this weekend. :)

Not gone, just incredibly busy preparing for the big update. We have some initial plans for improvement there in the future though. For now, we've been putting them into Discord events here:

21 Aug


Originally posted by Charetta

If I had known that beforehand I wouldn't have spent my seasonal Coins at end of every season lately. (`:

Gotta ask because I got a flashback from the old Vault sale: should we spend our hoard on the sales or is it better to keep the hoard until the change just in case we get... ahem... "some small reward"? :P

There will be no reason to hold onto them, best to spend them on what you want when you get the chance!


Originally posted by Mrs_Poutine

Escalation buffs are where I notice the biggest difference. I can blow through my maxed out escas like it’s nothing. But I hate frost escas and haven’t leveled them so it takes me way longer

Any particular reason you hate them? If it's the frost, I recommend a crit build and the crit stone at the start, it negates frost quite rapidly.

13 Aug


Originally posted by Antique_Raspberry_35

Dude I kid u not the dude in the clip kept surprising all the monsters doing 5k damage w that dash😭😭😭

The 5k damage dashes may have been the Tempest Omnicell which is different from what you see here but similar visually.


Originally posted by PonorkaSub

Geez, why would they reset them?😭

The norm was resetting every season, it was only turned off recently to allow slayers to hoard for this.

12 Aug

06 Aug


Originally posted by Usual-Opportunity637

"Player made reports" so for this to be effective someone has to report that player correct? meaning you need intervention from another player for this to be effective? So what says these players never got reported and remained unbanned, I obviously stated in my post that these players were NEVER banned and actively play Dauntless, most of them seen last week playing. So obviously this has no meaning whatsoever it seems Dauntless relies on EAC as a "shield" unfortunately EAC doesn't detect this type of "behavior" so saying that these have been acted upon is completely thrown out the window when you mention "Player made reports" which obviously doesn't work too well, unless it isn't true that 100% of reports are "investigated"....

I mentioned players rarely report this anymore because we're on top of it. This shows that we are proactive rather than reactive.

I will never discuss details of cheat/exploit detection though as additional security through obscurity is always going to be a net positive.

I am saying if you feel someone is cheating, you're encouraged to report them and we will investigate and have done so with 100% of reports thus far.


Hello, I'd like to clarify a few things.

  1. We investigate 100% of player made reports, even well known top players that post runs publicly and are reported repeatedly. This is to keep the process unbiased and keep play fair. We acknowledge it's possible for a top player to start cheating.
  2. We have had a very aggressive policy for at least a few years to the point it went from receiving player reports almost weekly, to next to never now. We also hit a lot of people that wouldn't normally be noticed by players.
  3. This is actually pretty rare now because we've been so aggressive in hitting them most just don't try anymore.
  4. We permanently ban first offenses, which probably helps contribute to number 3.

31 Jul


Hey Slayers⚔

Ready for another dev blog? How about a new crown? For a limited time, you can work towards a brand new crown!

Welcome to the ninth installment of our Shattered Isles dev blog. It’s time to share information on Weapon Experience and Aetherite sources, Talent Crafting, Essences and other materials, and one reward for Reforge. Full steam ahead!

Full Article:


Read more External link →

19 Jul


Originally posted by Laxie__

As long as it's not competitive u can do what u want (devs words)

As long as it's not using a 3rd party program this is correct! In this case, we're happy with where it's at currently, but please do report exploits in general. Especially ones that can be used in competitive modes.

The primary goal of a game is to have fun without impacting others negatively. Hitting for 23 million in moderation is indeed fun.

12 Jul


Should be resolved now, reload Ramsgate via a different map or re-opening the game and it should work. Thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by Sigma-66

The more parts you break the more chances there are for epic stuff to drop. Try to break as many parts as you can before killing.

Full Tempest build should do the trick, but even then it hits so hard that you won't break more than 3 parts if used correctly.

Another thing you could do is freeze the behemoth, making it slower (so it's easier to target parts) using Pangar lantern and Frost weapons (if you don't have Urska legendary yet)

People recommend against part damage builds as it doesn't increase core damage and as a result takes slots that could otherwise increase core damage. But in cases like this, sometimes you want less core damage to kill slower and break more parts. So could try that too.

10 Jul


One thing I'd note is that cells can be added to and removed from your gear freely, so don't be afraid to mess up, you wont lose the cells by adding and removing repeatedly like many other games.

09 Jul


Thank you for the feedback, I've forwarded this to the team!

17 Jun


Originally posted by FluffyWalrusFTW

How does clean boot narrow down? I’ve never done this before! I did the clean boot but still anti cheat is causing the issues I am almost 100% certain

By disabling other programs potentially interfering you can see if the game runs smoothly. If it does, then you start switching back on in groups one of two ways.

Either start with the ones you most likely think are the issue until it happens again, or the ones you least likely think are the issue until it happens again.

By doing this in phases you can narrow it down to a handful of programs, then from there down to a single program. Once narrowed down to a single program you can focus on troubleshooting with that program, or replacing/disabling it depending on the value it provides.

Usually you start with the ones you think aren't an issue and/or ones you value most so you can get things running normal again as quick as possible and go from there.


I've only used it on heroic escalations when I was first starting them and loaded near full defense. It worked for that purpose but I was getting smacked around a lot. It's one of the first defensive components I removed as I improved there but it DID work for that situation.