about 4 years ago - - Direct link

New rumours, quests, Slayer's Path nodes, and Event Passes come to Dauntless alongside a handful of bug fixes.

Patch 1.5.2 appeared first on: playdauntless.com.

over 1 year ago - Lucía Prieto - Direct link

Highlighted Changes


  • #065 – Hedgine 
    • Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
    • Token has been added to its move pool.
    • Hedgine is one of the strongest digitals in the format thanks to its Gotta Go Fast Trait .This is why we’ve decided to remove the move that we think is the most problematic in the Hedgine kit, and we will keep watch on it and its trait to see if it needs to be adjusted for 1.6.
  •  #131 – Tukai
    • Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
    • One of the most talked-about topics in the Tuwai line has been the Noxious Bomb tech. We have considered the feedback provided and have decided to remove this tech from the entire evolutionary line except for Tukai, who relies on the interaction between this technique and Shuine’s Horn for its physical set to exist at all.
  •  #144 – Vulffy
    • Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
    • Bush is now an Egg Technique.
    • Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
    • Vulffy is still a super dominant Temtem in the format, so we have decided to remove the tech that brought so much controversy with it.
  • #165 – Galios
    • SPATK has been increased from 68 ⇒ 72.
    • Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
    • Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.
    • The gameplay of Galios has been a problem since its release, as it has not been what we expected. We think that the rotation of a 0 hold move + Transient Echo + Selfless Ruination is too flat, but also very effective. To break away from this combo and the current Galios gameplay, we have increased the pressure that Galios can apply from the start of the game, and we’ve slightly adjusted its signature move, as it depended directly on the interaction with Transient Echo.


  • Toxin Shower 
    • Evasion turns 2 ⇒ 1.
    • Platimous is probably the most consistent Temtem in the scene, and has been for several patches now. Maybe we haven’t been hard enough on it, but we don’t want to make the two most dominant waters of the format drop too sharply. We feel that this change that Platimous receives will greatly affect how opponents can respond to it.
  • Binary Flood 
    • Damage has been reduced 75 ⇒ 67.
    • STA Cost has been reduced 21 ⇒ 19.
    • Despite the removal of this technique from the Hedgines kit, we feel that it is still a technique with excessive value, as it is an AoE non-resistance move that applies two turns of seized.
  • Serbatiyo’s Wrath 
    • SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced 2 ⇒ 1.
    • STA Cost has been reduced 35 ⇒ 30.
    • Oceara is undoubtedly one of the most dominant Temtem in the format, even though toxic Tems are very popular in the meta. We want Oceara to continue having a versatile profile in terms of coverage techs, and the ability to apply speed control on the opposing team. We’ve decided to focus Oceara’s changes on the way it scales while applying damage. We know that this is the differential concept for this Temtem, but after the nerf to Freeze, adding Water Blade to its kit made Oceara return to the format, and that’s why we have ultimately opted for this change.
  • Selfless Ruination
    • Hold turns from 3 ⇒ 2.
    • Priority has been reduced from High ⇒ Normal.
    • STA Cost has been reduced from 18 ⇒ 15.
    • We have wondered a lot about whether to remove evasion from this tech, or change its priority. Let’s see how Galios performs by keeping the evasion turn and reducing the Selfess Ruination hold, but also lowering its priority. We believe that Galios should play around this tech by exerting control on the opponent, either by creating sleep combos or by speed control, and not by simply clicking a high priority tech.


  • Toxic Skin
    • It now works once per battle.
    • Poison ticks have been increased 1 2.
    • Adoroboros has taken a step aside in this patch, but we still wanted to adjust how this trait works in order to adjust Adoro in a more controlled and fairer way.
  • Deceit Aura 
    • Turn limitation has been removed.
    • As we commented back in the day with the switch to Deceit Aura, we are going to slowly make things easier for Nagaise and give it back tools, but in a controlled way, as we think the Tem is close to being in a good spot.



As you will see, for this mid-season patch we’ve adjusted or buffed Tems that are not at the end of the evolutionary line in order to make them more viable. We have more things in store for these Tems for 1.6, but this time we’ve carried out all the changes that didn’t require coding.

  • #017 – Paharac
    • STA has been increased 30 ⇒ 35.
    • ATK has been increased 50 ⇒ 54.
  • #022 – Mudrid
    • SPATK has been increased 80 ⇒ 84.
  •  #028 – Skunch 
    • ATK has been increased 66 ⇒ 71.
  •  #033 – Tental 
    • SPATK has been increased 81 ⇒ 83.
    • SPDEF has been increased 62 ⇒ 66.
    • DEF has been increased 50 ⇒ 52.
  •  #047 – 0b10 
    • Look Out has been added to its move pool.
  • #065 – Hedgine 
    • Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
    • Token has been added to its move pool.
  •  #067 – Osukan 
    • ATK has been increased 78 ⇒ 82.
    • DEF has been increased 69 ⇒ 73.
    • SPDEF has been increased 27 ⇒ 35.
    • Hook has been added to its move pool.
    • Dim Mak has been added to its move pool.
  •  #073 – Sherald 
    • HP has been increased 68 ⇒ 70.
    • STA has been increased 45 ⇒ 48.
    • ATK has been reduced 69 ⇒ 62.
    • SPATK has been increased 51 ⇒ 71.
    • SPDEF has been increased 48 ⇒ 52.
  •  #074 – Tortenite 
    • HP has been increased 76 ⇒ 85.
    • DEF has been increased 78 ⇒ 82.
    • SPDEF has been increased 65 ⇒ 69.
  • #082 – Sparzy 
    • Uppercut has been added to its move pool.
    • Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
  •  #083 – Golzy 
    • Hasty Lunge is now learned at level 48.
    • Oshi Dashi is now learned at level 66.
    • Defibrillate is now learned at level 84.
  •  #093 – Baboong 
    • HP has been increased 54 ⇒ 62.
    • Warm Blooded has been removed from its traits.
    • Cold Blooded has been added to its traits.
  •  #120 – Broccorc 
    • HP has been increased 66 ⇒ 69.
    • ATK has been increased 54 ⇒ 70.
    • SPATK has been reduced 68 ⇒ 54.
    • SPDEF has been increased 65 ⇒ 68.
  •  #130 – Tuwai
    • Noxious bomb has been removed from its move pool.
  •  #131 – Tukai
    • Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
  • #139 – Vulor 
    • ATK has been increased 49 ⇒ 61.
    • Ninja Jutsu has been added to its move pool.
    • Flaming Meteorite has been added to its move pool.
  •  #141 – Pigepic 
    • Boomerang has been added to its move pool.
    • We want to facilitate combos with its Friendship trait. This was sometimes difficult with Debris Typhoon, as you had to use the Tech with synergy if you wanted to create a combo. Anyways, we are keeping this tech in Pigepic’s kit, as we understand that there are situations where Debris Thyphoon is still more efficient`.
  •  #144 – Vulffy
    • Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
    • Bush is now an Egg Technique.
    • Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
  •  #151 – Minox 
    • Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
  • #165 – Galios
    • SPATK has been increased from 68 ⇒ 72.
    • Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
    • Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.



  • Toxin Shower 
    • Evasion turns 2 ⇒ 1.
  • Double Edge 
    • New effect: This technique ignores the Evasion status condition.
    • We’ve added this effect on top of the one caused by the synergy.
  • Earthbreaker
    • Damage has been increased from 130 ⇒ 145.
  • Madness Buff 
    • HP reduction has been reduced 30% ⇒ 25%.
    • STA Cost has been increased 15 ⇒ 17.
    • We want to take this first step before we consider modifying the increase of stats this tech provides.
  • Binary Flood 
    • Damage has been reduced 75 ⇒ 67.
    • STA Cost has been reduced 21 ⇒ 19.
  • Psychic Collaborator 
    • Damage has been reduced 20 ⇒ 1.
    • STA Cost has been reduced 20 ⇒ 13.
  • Swarm Aid 
    • Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 5% ⇒ 10%.
    • Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 15%.
    • Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 10%15%.
    • Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 5%10%.
  • Swarm Aid (Synergy) 
    • Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 17%.
    • Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 15% ⇒ 22%.
    • Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 15%22%.
    • Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 10% 17%.
  • Sharp Leaf
    • Damage has been increased 50 ⇒ 57.
  • Serbatiyo’s Wrath 
    • SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced 2 ⇒ 1.
    • STA Cost has been reduced 35 ⇒ 30.
  • Smoldering Kiss 
    • Damage has been increased 40 ⇒ 50.
    • STA Cost has been increased 5 ⇒ 9.
  • Selfless Ruination
    • Hold turns from 3 ⇒ 2.
    • Priority has been reduced from High ⇒ Normal.
    • STA Cost has been reduced from 18 ⇒ 15.



We have mainly buffed certain Traits that have recently undergone changes, with the intention that they reappear back into the meta.

  • Voltaic Charge
    • Damage restored has been increased 15% ⇒ 20%.
  • Brawny
    • Damage multiplier has been increased 15% ⇒ 20%.
  • Toxic Skin
    • It now works once per battle.
    • Poison ticks have been increased 1 2.
  • Spreader 
    • Damage reduction has been reduced 20% ⇒ 15%.
  • Deceit Aura 
    • Turn limitation has been removed.
  • Iridescence 
    • The increase to damage received has been reduced 12% 10%.
  • Bird Season
    • Damage increase has been increased 50% ⇒ 66%.



  • Building Blocks
    • Turns needed to enable the Gear have been reduced 4 ⇒ 3


All platforms

  • 👥We’ve made some changes to the server to hopefully improve the issues some players have reaching and connecting with the server.
  • 👥Fixed a situation where players would reappear with a fully fainted team after losing on TemSafari, causing a practical softlock.
  • 👥Fixed that Galios was not reappearing in the battlezone after fainting to any of its Traits if it had been caused by Status Condition damage.
  • 👥Fixed Galios not changing its Traits properly after fainting and reviving through them in competitive battles.
  • Fixed a desync in turns left for Status Conditions if Galios revives through any of its Traits.
  • 👥Fixed a desync in Stamina recovery if we open the battle log while the text for resting is displayed.
  • 👥Fixed Koish’s Iridiscent Trait not applying its effect, so not changing the Technique’s effectivity, and it still suffers extra damage.
  • 👥Fixed the bonus damage or damage reduction from Hyperkinetic Strike not applying properly.
  • 👥Fixed some wrong matchmakings happening during Dojo Wars.
  • Fixed seeing the wrong holograms in Dojo Parks if the Club had won the Dojo War without fighting in the finals, by other Clubs’ absence.
  • Fixed a situation where the Pansun inventory could be shown on the Tamer’s Paradise Feather store, causing a mismatch of currencies.
  • 👥Fixed some ETCs that were missing from the loot pools. The added ETCs are: Petal Dagger, Denigrate, Plasma Beam and Blue Screen.
  • 👥Fixed being unable to see the details of an egg obtained as a loot pool reward if we’re using a controller.
  • 👥Fixed some issues in the French translation of the game.


Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server and subreddit.

over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - Tsukki - Direct link
Balance Highlighted Changes


#065 – Hedgine 
Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
Token has been added to its move pool.
Hedgine is one of the strongest digitals in the format thanks to its Gotta Go Fast Trait .This is why we've decided to remove the move that we think is the most problematic in the Hedgine kit, and we will keep watch on it and its trait to see if it needs to be adjusted for 1.6.
 #131 – Tukai
Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
One of the most talked-about topics in the Tuwai line has been the Noxious Bomb tech. We have considered the feedback provided and have decided to remove this tech from the entire evolutionary line except for Tukai, who relies on the interaction between this technique and Shuine's Horn for its physical set to exist at all.
 #144 – Vulffy
Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
Bush is now an Egg Technique.
Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
Vulffy is still a super dominant Temtem in the format, so we have decided to remove the tech that brought so much controversy with it.
#165 – Galios
SPATK has been increased from 68 ⇒ 72.
Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.
The gameplay of Galios has been a problem since its release, as it has not been what we expected. We think that the rotation of a 0 hold move + Transient Echo + Selfless Ruination is too flat, but also very effective. To break away from this combo and the current Galios gameplay, we have increased the pressure that Galios can apply from the start of the game, and we've slightly adjusted its signature move, as it depended directly on the interaction with Transient Echo.


Toxin Shower 
Evasion turns 2 ⇒ 1.
Platimous is probably the most consistent Temtem in the scene, and has been for several patches now. Maybe we haven't been hard enough on it, but we don't want to make the two most dominant waters of the format drop too sharply. We feel that this change that Platimous receives will greatly affect how opponents can respond to it.
Binary Flood 
Damage has been reduced 75 ⇒ 67.
STA Cost has been reduced 21 ⇒ 19.
Despite the removal of this technique from the Hedgines kit, we feel that it is still a technique with excessive value, as it is an AoE non-resistance move that applies two turns of seized.
Serbatiyo’s Wrath 
SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced 2 ⇒ 1.
STA Cost has been reduced 35 ⇒ 30.
Oceara is undoubtedly one of the most dominant Temtem in the format, even though toxic Tems are very popular in the meta. We want Oceara to continue having a versatile profile in terms of coverage techs, and the ability to apply speed control on the opposing team. We've decided to focus Oceara's changes on the way it scales while applying damage. We know that this is the differential concept for this Temtem, but after the nerf to Freeze, adding Water Blade to its kit made Oceara return to the format, and that's why we have ultimately opted for this change.
Selfless Ruination
Hold turns from 3 ⇒ 2.
Priority has been reduced from High ⇒ Normal.
STA Cost has been reduced from 18 ⇒ 15.
We have wondered a lot about whether to remove evasion from this tech, or change its priority. Let's see how Galios performs by keeping the evasion turn and reducing the Selfess Ruination hold, but also lowering its priority. We believe that Galios should play around this tech by exerting control on the opponent, either by creating sleep combos or by speed control, and not by simply clicking a high priority tech.


Toxic Skin
It now works once per battle.
Poison ticks have been increased 1 ⇒ 2.
Adoroboros has taken a step aside in this patch, but we still wanted to adjust how this trait works in order to adjust Adoro in a more controlled and fairer way.
Deceit Aura 
Turn limitation has been removed.
As we commented back in the day with the switch to Deceit Aura, we are going to slowly make things easier for Nagaise and give it back tools, but in a controlled way, as we think the Tem is close to being in a good spot.


As you will see, for this mid-season patch we’ve adjusted or buffed Tems that are not at the end of the evolutionary line in order to make them more viable. We have more things in store for these Tems for 1.6, but this time we’ve carried out all the changes that didn’t require coding.

#017 – Paharac
STA has been increased 30 ⇒ 35.
ATK has been increased 50 ⇒ 54.
#022 – Mudrid
SPATK has been increased 80 ⇒ 84.
 #028 – Skunch 
ATK has been increased 66 ⇒ 71.
 #033 – Tental 
SPATK has been increased 81 ⇒ 83.
SPDEF has been increased 62 ⇒ 66.
DEF has been increased 50 ⇒ 52.
 #047 – 0b10 
Look Out has been added to its move pool.
#065 – Hedgine 
Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
Token has been added to its move pool.
 #067 – Osukan 
ATK has been increased 78 ⇒ 82.
DEF has been increased 69 ⇒ 73.
SPDEF has been increased 27 ⇒ 35.
Hook has been added to its move pool.
Dim Mak has been added to its move pool.
 #073 – Sherald 
HP has been increased 68 ⇒ 70.
STA has been increased 45 ⇒ 48.
ATK has been reduced 69 ⇒ 62.
SPATK has been increased 51 ⇒ 71.
SPDEF has been increased 48 ⇒ 52.
 #074 – Tortenite 
HP has been increased 76 ⇒ 85.
DEF has been increased 78 ⇒ 82.
SPDEF has been increased 65 ⇒ 69.
#082 – Sparzy 
Uppercut has been added to its move pool.
Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
 #083 – Golzy 
Hasty Lunge is now learned at level 48.
Oshi Dashi is now learned at level 66.
Defibrillate is now learned at level 84.
 #093 – Baboong 
HP has been increased 54 ⇒ 62.
Warm Blooded has been removed from its traits.
Cold Blooded has been added to its traits.
 #120 – Broccorc 
HP has been increased 66 ⇒ 69.
ATK has been increased 54 ⇒ 70.
SPATK has been reduced 68 ⇒ 54.
SPDEF has been increased 65 ⇒ 68.
 #130 – Tuwai
Noxious bomb has been removed from its move pool.
 #131 – Tukai
Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
#139 – Vulor 
ATK has been increased 49 ⇒ 61.
Ninja Jutsu has been added to its move pool.
Flaming Meteorite has been added to its move pool.
 #141 – Pigepic 
Boomerang has been added to its move pool.
We want to facilitate combos with its Friendship trait. This was sometimes difficult with Debris Typhoon, as you had to use the Tech with synergy if you wanted to create a combo. Anyways, we are keeping this tech in Pigepic's kit, as we understand that there are situations where Debris Thyphoon is still more efficient.
 #144 – Vulffy
Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
Bush is now an Egg Technique.
Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
 #151 – Minox 
Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
#165 – Galios
SPATK has been increased from 68 ⇒ 72.
Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.


Toxin Shower 
Evasion turns 2 ⇒ 1.
Double Edge 
New effect: This technique ignores the Evasion status condition.
We've added this effect on top of the one caused by the synergy.
Damage has been increased from 130 ⇒ 145.
Madness Buff 
HP reduction has been reduced 30% ⇒ 25%.
STA Cost has been increased 15 ⇒ 17.
We want to take this first step before we consider modifying the increase of stats this tech provides.Binary Flood 
Damage has been reduced 75 ⇒ 67.
STA Cost has been reduced 21 ⇒ 19.
Psychic Collaborator 
Damage has been reduced 20 ⇒ 1.
STA Cost has been reduced 20 ⇒ 13.
Swarm Aid 
Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 5% ⇒ 10%.
Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 15%.
Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 15%.
Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 5% ⇒ 10%.
Swarm Aid (Synergy) 
Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 17%.
Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 15% ⇒ 22%.
Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased 15% ⇒ 22%.
Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased 10% ⇒ 17%.
Sharp Leaf
Damage has been increased 50 ⇒ 57.
Serbatiyo’s Wrath 
SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced 2 ⇒ 1.
STA Cost has been reduced 35 ⇒ 30.
Smoldering Kiss 
Damage has been increased 40 ⇒ 50.
STA Cost has been increased 5 ⇒ 9.
Selfless Ruination
Hold turns from 3 ⇒ 2.
Priority has been reduced from High ⇒ Normal.
STA Cost has been reduced from 18 ⇒ 15.


We have mainly buffed certain Traits that have recently undergone changes, with the intention that they reappear back into the meta.

Voltaic Charge
Damage restored has been increased 15% ⇒ 20%.
Damage multiplier has been increased 15% ⇒ 20%.
Toxic Skin
It now works once per battle.
Poison ticks have been increased 1 ⇒ 2.
Damage reduction has been reduced 20% ⇒ 15%.
Deceit Aura 
Turn limitation has been removed.
The increase to damage received has been reduced 12% ⇒ 10%.
Bird Season
Damage increase has been increased 50% ⇒ 66%.


Building Blocks
Turns needed to enable the Gear have been reduced 4 ⇒ 3

Bug fixes All platforms

We've made some changes to the server to hopefully improve the issues some players have reaching and connecting with the server.
Fixed that Galios was not reappearing in the battlezone after fainting to any of its Traits if it had been caused by Status Condition damage.
Fixed Galios not changing its Traits properly after fainting and reviving through them in competitive battles.
Fixed a desync in turns left for Status Conditions if Galios revives through any of its Traits.
Fixed a desync in Stamina recovery if we open the battle log while the text for resting is displayed.
Fixed Koish's Iridiscent Trait not applying its effect, so not changing the Technique's effectivity, and it still suffers extra damage.
Fixed the bonus damage or damage reduction from Hyperkinetic Strike not applying properly.
Fixed some wrong matchmakings happening during Dojo Wars.
Fixed seeing the wrong holograms in Dojo Parks if the Club had won the Dojo War without fighting in the finals, by other Clubs' absence.
Fixed a situation where the Pansun inventory could be shown on the Tamer's Paradise Feather store, causing a mismatch of currencies.
Fixed some ETCs that were missing from the loot pools. The added ETCs are: Petal Dagger, Denigrate, Plasma Beam and Blue Screen.
Fixed being unable to see the details of an egg obtained as a loot pool reward if we're using a controller.