about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Hey everyone, we thought it would be a good idea to discuss 1.5.0 and Reforged.

A handful of devs and I will be available for questions from 1 PM PT to 2 PM PT. Ask anything you'd like about Slayer's Path and Hunting Grounds.

We know there are a lot of opinions and concerns out there, but we ask that you be respectful in the comments below, both to us and each other <3

Try not to post a handful of questions at once so we can answer as many users as possible. We will do our best to answer as many questions as we can!

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Ze_Deviljho

Will the next weapon be a bow?

Yes I know it’s not about reforged but it’s been eating away at me!

That's the plan, but we're currently not working on the next weapon at this time.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Darkmight6

Not a question about Reforged, but i hope all of you are having a nice day

Awe thanks!

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by PianoCrab196963

are the islands going to eventually spawn frost and radiant variants when frost and radiant escalation come out? or are there going to be new islands for those?

Yeah for sure! We love having diversity across all of our islands and would love to see all of our variants living on the islands, just as with the Blaze and Terra ones right now.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by theallseeingpotato

So how about that Frost Escalation? You do know its winter and almost Christmas...

We are currently developing Frost Esca right now, but we prioritized Hunting Grounds for 2020 because we really wanted to get it in your hands.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by ihovo

Will you rework the dropbox system, so we can use it more than once per island to switch our equipment?

Maybe! We're actively gathering data on supply crate usage so we can make an informed decision on this early next year.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by llMagicianll

Can we get a repeaters buff?

We'll keep a close eye on weapon balance over the next few weeks as things have a changed a lot. In the 1.5.1 patch, we are fixing a few bugs with Repeaters like allowing you to Power Surge Prisms so you can increase the unique effects.

Beyond tuning, we still want to de-modularize Repeaters to bring them more in line with other weapons so we can fix a few other gameplay issues.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Handrax1251

Why does sky fishing say shelved? I hope you didnt scrap the idea

Hey, so we originally removed sky fishing from our Roadmap because we didn't think it would impact the overall game and help up achieve our goals.

Right now, there is no plan to return to sky fishing BUT devshave expressed interest in adding it to Hunting Grounds as an activity. Who knows if we'll return it, but the idea isn't completely dead.

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Ichigatsuu

Are there any plans for breakparts in end game where you have all weapons etc. And don't need them? Selling for rams, or something new?

Great question. This is totally on our plate for the future. I can't mention a specific outcome yet, but we want to make sure that these parts continue to have value through late-game.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMajestickKitty

Will the weaopn leveling become easier? I think that after every reforge you should get an xp bonus for that weapon so that you can go back faster :P

We're still waiting for the data to come in. Once we have a bigger picture around player behaviour, we'll consider balance changes.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by b33fm1lk

Do you think escalation bosses could be special events for the higher level islands

Also (off topic) but would you ever consider adding more dye channels like for example the regular hellion gear has that silver metal that you can’t dye and adding a forth dye channel so that we can dye it

Can we get rewards for getting high reforge levels like after 10 or something like an exclusive weapon skin or dye or crown just something to work for cause a 5% power boost is basically nothing

Escalation bosses - potentially! Some escalation bosses are fairly tied to their arenas which is why they're all escalation-only at present, but the idea of them showing up elsewhere is one we're hype for.

Dyes - we're not opposed to the idea, but it's not a priority just now. Adding a new dye channel is a huge amount of effort that we think is better spent on other areas of the game right now.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by serveringalloy43

Is fresca planned for this hp yet? Seems kinda a waste to not get it with all the frost stuff on this update

That's coming at a later date!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKeksalot

A lot of people clearly don't like the reforging system, and I attribute this to how it really just feels like you lose something in the short term without a super meaningful compensation. In exchange for all the offensive and defensive power you spent so much time working for, you get one aetherheart, which only provides a comparatively small power bonus for one piece of gear and one or two perk points for one perk; a permanent buff from the Path if you're at a certain number of reforges, which you don't get with every reforge; and a rather small upgrade to some icon nobody ever sees.

Going forward, how do you intend to address this? Because, going forward, you can either make the grind less and less time-consuming the more reforges you do, or you can make each reforge feel more valuable, and each route will bring its own pros and cons.

I ask this because we clearly need a compromise between where you want to take this game and where most of us want it to go. If reforging is here to stay, it needs to be rethought, because right now, it just feels bad to throw away your hard work for such low short- or long-term compensation.

I posted a similar message in another thread, so I'll share here. We realize that not everyone will like a prestige mechanic but we think the benefits to the health of the game outweigh the costs. We want to keep adding content to the entire world and enriching the whole experience on all islands, and having people continously cycle through that keeps the experience fresh, keeps queues healthy, and allows us to build content for all players more easily. We feel that playing through the entire game and all that variety is a much better experience than grinding the same few queues in the old system.

With that said, we are gathering feedback on balance right now and want to make this feel good for everyone. If the endless Reforging becomes a real chore, we have ideas to make that more interesting down the line.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by viperkilgannon

Will you be reassessing the compensation player got for the progress made pre 1.5.0 as most endgame players are having issues with not getting even close to enough resources for the work they put in? Any talks about a change to reforgeing ie not having to grind 20 levels or making that grind quicker?

We've heard this a lot. We're working on a second migration right now in order to give players a bit more, but the details around the values are still being worked out.

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by WildRynoMk2

On the Slayers Path, there appears to be 3 different types of glider frames. Are these supposed to individual gliders that we can choose from, or are they stacking upgrades for the glider in general?

Also, would it be possible to have the Keystone Behemoths spawn in the Hunting Grounds as specials events, or are they going to stay exclusively to Escalation?

These are stacking upgrades. Unfortunately the text describing the upgrades wasn't so... well, descriptive. We've got a fix coming in shortly. Essentially it's a small upgrade tree that makes gliding better with each node.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by ttrixy

Have you guys considered an overflow xp system? I have made a suggestion but got no response alas. If no, why not?

You can read the entire idea right here!

I would love to know your input, as this would make the grind much more enjoyable for many people. No need to make it shorter or anything, just fun to do imo.

We've been talking about this a lot lately. I think there are a lot of great features we could add here like overflow, rested XP, or other things that allow you to enjoy your experience at level 20 a bit better without losing progress. No firm plans yet because we want to evaluate how the current system plays out and where the pain points and opportunities are.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by Russta

  1. Can you please consider removing stamina from gliding? At the very least give us more juice.
  2. Plunging attacks? It somehow feels wrong to not be able to release and hit the enemy when over them
  3. Any chance of making chests appear on the compass once somebody has located it?
  4. Can you allow supply chest to regenerate over time?

Glider stamina - upgraded gliders on the Slayer's Path give you longer flying time and we're talking about adding more nodes to help you glide even longer

Aerial attacks - we talked about these when first implementing gliders, but they just didn't make the cut on scope to get things out the door on time. Good odds they'll come in the future!

Chests on the compass - very possible! We've been looking at a number of ways to make flaring more effective on islands, and compass markers are an obvious way to go.

Supply crates - see my answer here :) https://old.reddit.com/r/dauntless/comments/ka0ehv/ama_150_and_reforged/gf7j577/

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by -HulkNorris-

Is there any updated info about the missing migration escalation break parts?

Yes! We are working on a second migration that will grant these to players who are missing them. Hold tight!

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Brainzaw

Are there gonna be any NEW Monsters in the future?
Not just some elemental reskin or Escalation boss :)

For sure, there will be new Behemoths both in the Hunting Grounds and Escalations, in the future.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by chankster9

For slayers who had armor gear in the +11-+14 range, are there plans to give us a meaningful way to regain our strength??? (we didn't receive aetherhearts for this tier of equipment)

Everyone who had gear from level +10 to +14 should have received partial Aetherharts (+15 gave you a full Aetherheart). The higher your gear, the more partial Aetherhearts you got. If you didn't receive any, please contact customer support.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by rainycakee

I can ask super serious questions but instead I'll ask this question that I personally care about.

Why do gliders use stamina at all? Sprinting when your weapon is out costs stamina because it would be used in combat. Why do the gliders need to use stamina?

Oh and since bounty tokens are super important now, are they still gonna be reset after the hunt pass or are there different plans for that?

Basically, we didn't want players to be able to glide forever.

And it adds a skill component to it. It also lays the foundation for future glider actions (which we're thinking about).

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Magnamarak

is the weapons rework still happening? The sword rework was a success, so i wanna see what could be done with Hammers and repeaters.

We'd love to do more weapon reworks in the future, but these are quite expensive on dev time. The Sword rework took most of the combat team a few months, so we're trying to balance full reworks with other improvements we can make. In the near future, we want to focus on smaller iterative improvements to a lot of stuff. For weapon/combat areas, the next feature up is a Wound rework.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by MrFrettz

How seriously has the dev team been considering decoupling armor strength from weapon skill level?

We're not looking to decouple resistance from weapon skill level at this time, but we'll keep gathering feedback on the new system.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Darkmight6

Not a question about Reforged, but i hope all of you are having a nice day

Thanks! We appreciate that!

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by FluffyPhoenix

What do you think the strongest and weakest part of 1.5 are?

Strongest - the way Hunting Grounds remains fun to play even after literal months of playing Dauntless :)

Weakest - the missing items from migration. It really sucks that some players' first impression of Hunting Grounds is tainted by not having stuff they should. We're running followup migrations to fix it but it still feels real sad.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by BossofMASS

While I love the hunting grounds my biggest issue with 1.5 that makes me frustrated to play is the fact that +3 armor perks are now locked behind reforging.

Before 1.5 I could still run full +3 perk builds with my armor at +10. Now getting +3 perks or even slightly upgrading lower level armor that is considered "tier 1" is locked behind a reforge and getting my weapon back from 1-20 again. To upgrade an entire build would take a massive amount of time.

Would it be possible to consider a mid ground upgrade alternative to make the +3 perks available outside of a reforge and powersurge? Thank you!

That's an interesting idea. I think we have to spend more time seeing how the current system plays out before radically changing it. We have talked about introducing alternative ways of getting Aetherhearts. We are also doing another migration to give out a few more Aetherhearts (likely based on how far you got in Mastery) and rewards.

We do want Reforging and Power Surging to be really rewarding experiences, so we want to reserver something beyond just a small power bump behind it, so with our current tools that means reserving some perk power behind Power Surging.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Pwague

Do you plan on adding gliders to ramsgate, I know a lot of people want this

There is a sign that says no gliding...

Stupid rules.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by mixout99-

Do you plan to make party limits to 6? or possibly make private hunting grounds?

I enjoy playing with strangers but occasionally like to keep to just my friends. would love to make my group 6 people instead of 4.

We plan on upping parties to 6 players!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Yenna1557

Are there any plans to add an “open 10” cores (open multiple cores) or something along those lines. It’s so much easier to get cores now, so an addition like this would make things a lot easier!

PS: I had over 600 cores before reforge and now it’s just getting out of hand 🤣

Yes we have plans to rework the core screen in the near future and add an option to open multiple cores.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by Manujiiva

Can we get another way to get aetherheart outside reforging? , because i am getting tired of nerfing myself and going back to beginner state over and over :,)

We're actively discussing other ways to get aetherhearts, but we want to give the current system time to breathe and let dust settle before we implement any.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Alternative_Safe_407

First of all, I would like to say that I loved this new type of hunting and opens up incredible possibilities for gameplay. So, I would like to know: is there any possibility of adding missions with the direct participation of NPCs? We saw an example of this on Hunting Grounds with the new NPC. It would be amazing to see NPCs helping slayers to face Behemoths. Some escort missions would also be incredible, like: escort Granny Strega from point A to point B. Placing some creatures during the journey and some behemoths. This would give the game a lot of immersion and give NPCs greater depth. In advance, I thank the developers for responding.

Neat idea! This was the first step to seeing if NPCs could actually participate in combat. Now that we know they can, who knows what we'll do next!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by P_alladium

Reformed seems like it took quite a lot of time to develop from start to finish. What's the next big goal in mind for Dauntless? Could we be getting something new other than Escalations?

After working on such a massive update, we're looking forward to focusing on smaller iterative improvements for the next little bit. We do have plans to look at Wound, Trials, and Cells in the near future though.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by iaeration

Will there be more Borders for Reforge level after 50?

Once people start getting there, probably, yeah!

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Brainzaw

How come GLIDERS were added but not sky fishing?
Would love fishing more than gliding around. Especially when we have the vents, to jump around

Gliders were essential to traversing the new islands. We needed a new traversal system since players are now staying on islands for longer and bouncing between locations.

Sky fishing wasn't really essential for anything, but it would have been nice!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Paradox_Wolf

Does the team honestly believe they were erring on the side of generosity with the transition of players' items to this new update?

We thought so but clearly we missed the mark here, which is why we're doing another migration to give out more rewards.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by rockfroszz

Will the Slayer's path tree contain more ways to get power when we get more difficult content in the future, or will power come from gear at that time.

We want to be really careful about introducing more raw power so we don't end up in the situation we were in this year with power creep from Escalation. We're more interested in fleshing out build customization and giving players more options to change their gameplay style and unlock more tools. That's the near term, and we'll see beyond that. We aren't opposed to adding more power, but it has to go hand in hand with harder content.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Yenna1557

Are there any plans to add an “open 10” cores (open multiple cores) or something along those lines. It’s so much easier to get cores now, so an addition like this would make things a lot easier!

PS: I had over 600 cores before reforge and now it’s just getting out of hand 🤣

We're discussing solutions. We know opening cores is a huge pain in the butt. We want to fix this.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by P_alladium

Reformed seems like it took quite a lot of time to develop from start to finish. What's the next big goal in mind for Dauntless? Could we be getting something new other than Escalations?

Frost escalation will be the next big thing, and we're looking at giving Trials a whole lotta love Q1 2021.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by jonathanhighwind

Are there any plans for what us slayers can do with the abundance of extra behemoth parts we dont need. In hunting grounds it we constantly get to see all these parts we are earning, but eventually they aren't something to look forward to receiving. Being able to sell them for rams once again would be a simple solution, but I've also thought about being able to toss them into the reforge machine to compress them into an aetherheart. You would simply toss the parts in until the meter filled completely and then maybe have it cost some aethersparks as well. Higher rarity parts could increase this bar more effectively. This would help alleviate the complaint that there needs to be more than one way to earn aetherhearts, particulary one that doesn't require a grind that may feel overly tedious for some players that don't want to keep reforging their weapon or leveling different ones. I also think it feels more natural for the this genre too, as it generally is built around increasing your character power through gathered and earned crafting materials rather than a leveling system.

Lots of cool suggestions here. This is something we would love to do. We know parts lose a lot of meaning really quickly. We have a bunch of cool ideas ourselves. It's not one of the features up next, but we would love to get something out after that.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by mixout99-

Do you plan to make party limits to 6? or possibly make private hunting grounds?

I enjoy playing with strangers but occasionally like to keep to just my friends. would love to make my group 6 people instead of 4.

Yep, party limits will increase in the future - the main reason they're still 4 max is because the work to handle parties too large for a mode was more than would fit for Reforged.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by scrubtonian

Is there a way to reach 600 or 700 power to align with Trials power levels? I feel like it's currently capped at 540

Not right now. We want Dauntless Trials (700 power) to remain a very challenging mode, but we'll evaluate over the next few weeks.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by -SpaceShorts-

Now that reforged has been delivered, what do you plan to work on next, aside from escalations?

Lots of cool stuff, but we are going to look at Wound, Trials, and Cells in the near future.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by xXMyMeanAccountXx

Before 1.5.0 I had a lot of gear at +10, which gave me +3 perk economy for each item. Once we got 1.5.0 that gear was taken away, and I no longer had access to the gear/perk combo that I had before. Why was it determined that I no longer deserved the gear/perks that I had earned?

We're in talks about doing a second migration to allow midrange players to unlock more build questions.

about 4 years ago - /u/EuanReid - Direct link

Originally posted by craftyninja227

Could there be a slayer's path-type type upgrade system for guilds? It would work if you are planning a customizable guildhall. Any news for guilds is also fine :)

Could be! Guilds are currently on the backburner but when they're a focus we'll be looking at all manner of options to make them really worthwhile - including things like a Guild's Path!

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by LuigiSavior

Do you think Dauntless will ever reach the same level of recognition as Monster Hunter?

Monster what?

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by MrFrettz

A lot of players were initially put off by the large of effort required to unlock some of the most expensive nodes in the Slayers' Path, as well as the disconnect between the small (at times) benefit of Power Surging a weapon vs. the amount of effort to level a weapon back to 20.

Can you talk about the purpose of these systems (long-term goals vs. immediate rewards) in theory vs. how they have turned out in practice, a week into 1.5?

Thank you!

Great question! In general, we wanted to make sure that every player could experience and succeed at the entire breadth of content in Dauntless without needing to obtain every upgrade in the Slayer's Path or the need to Power Surge every piece of gear.

In regards to the Slayer's Path there are many short term and medium term achievable upgrades - Some definitely feel better than others, but we wanted there to be choice and diversity for a broad audience. The long tail stuff is there to be rewarding for people who are engaged for a really long time - Nothing that would totally upset the balance of power, but would continue to modify gameplay or give you a slight boost.

With Power Surging, most of the game is balanced around playing and succeeding in upper end (Tier 4) or Legendary gear. So similarly Power Surging exists to offer iterative and incremental boosts for those who want to continue to invest time, gain incremental power and maximize builds.

A week into 1.5.0, it's tough to say! There is a lot of feedback, but I think folks are still adjusting to the new progression system. It's something we're honestly looking at frequently and will try to keep iterating on. We'll look at time to Reforge and that whole loop overall as well as exploring how and where you guys are earning XP, Aetherhearts and Aethersparks.

about 4 years ago - /u/Kill_the_butcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Hercules0W

What inspiration did you use when it came to designing the landscapes of the isles for the stronger behemoths?

Hello! Yeah, we talked a lot about how these stronger behemoths would manipulate aether in odd ways that could be unstable to the environment. These Behemoths would pretty much modify the environments due to the type of elemental aether they are a part of.

If you notice a lot of the behemoths you fight on islands the atmospheres and the environments match them :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by VorrtaX

Hello. Are you aware of the ever returning Chainblade Q-ability jump bug that is now more present than ever before? I recorded a video of it and will upload it to youtube if you don't know what I am talking about. Basically, I get stuck midair about 90% of the time I try pulling myself back onto the Behemoth. This bug is most apparent in the Hunting ground, less in escalation. (It even happens on the Training grounds, which is where I recorded the video) and I think it is related to a certain amount of players in the lobby as well as a specific build combination.

Yes! This chainblade bug is logged and we're working on it!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by the_math_problem_guy

Pleeeeeease give us more rams and why the heck do behemoths not give you rams? It's been a think forever. And please also a better way to get patrol keys. That would be pretty sick.

This was a bug we found very late, but will be fixed in the 1.5.1 patch. Behemoths will drop Rams again and we've made a few other tweaks to the Rams economy that will help.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by NickyNicklas

I feel like we should get a slight exp boost from reforging our weapons. I've been playing a bit of payday 2 lately, and it has prestige mechanincs too. It is way more enjoyable to prestige because of the slight exp boost you get. Is there any chance we could something like it?

This is one solution that could work. We're looking at systems and boosts like this. I've heard talk of resting XP, but this is all still very early brainstorming.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by thedeathecchi

Will you be working on fixing the UI in the Hunting Grounds? It’s harder to locate teammates than it should feasibly be, especially when they’ve been downed and the indicator disappears when they’re in the sight line. Will the party limit also be expanded to include 6?

Yeah we want to make some improvements here so it's easier to spot your party members and we do want to extend max party size to 6.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Gangsterbra123

Will the weapon xp grind to get aether hearts be decreased a bit so it can be more bearable or could it be possible that we do not lose our overall power when we reforge as it stops you from being able to do most activities such as escelation 10-50 if you can only use one weapon.

We're collecting a ton of data right now and it will take a few weeks to get the big picture. It will tell us how fast players are actually progressing and we'll see what needs tuning.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by wulf2468

Account-based time out issues, when bug fix?

We have this issue logged and we're looking into it!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Xardas_88

When will we get the missing materials from escalations? Please take into account i don't just miss the parts from crafted items, i also miss the parts i saved for a possible 8th weapon. Before the patch i had crafted: all legendary armor pieces, all legendary weapons for each kind of weapon and saved for a 8th one (8x4 escalations).

We're trying to get another migration ready to fix this issue within the next week to grant all missing parts.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Szymon205HK

Will there be more island variation, and will there be any higher difficulty islands in future?

When new behemoths? (escalations don't count)

Will you please make the islands bigger, or at least add some smaller islands around the main one?

We definitely want to get new islands out at some point and add harder islands.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by WeeSpeckyFella

Immortality bug makes the game pretty trivial right now. Feel scummy for using bulwark tonic right now whenever it goes off and switching islands to remove it isnt the best experience. ETA on a fix?

This is going to be fixed tomorrow in a hotfix. We're just nailing down the specifics!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by azbybsv2

Since the hunting grounds can reconnect to ramsgate and new sessions fast why do trials still take forever to load/retry?

Every Trials instance is a new instance that has to spin up. We built the Hunting Grounds from the ground up to be a persistent island experience so we have tons of instances up and running that players can connect to. So to get that behavior for Trials would require a bunch of work.

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by 123qwet12

Can you look at the cell crafting system? I feel like the 2 day crafting time is a bit much, especially if you only have one slot which buying more is a bit pricy at 500 plat. It's really stagnated my progression due to having no good cells and that was before the 1.50 rework, which I feel has really trapped me even more. I can't get an aetherheart without reforge and I can't unlock reforge because I need to earn weapon exp and the only good weapons I have are strikers, but I can't reforge them to start earning weapon exp in order to unlock reforging.

Heck yeah! We really want to look at improving the Cells system in general and the "upgrading" component to it is for sure something that we'll iterate on as part of this.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by WeeSpeckyFella

Immortality bug makes the game pretty trivial right now. Feel scummy for using bulwark tonic right now whenever it goes off and switching islands to remove it isnt the best experience. ETA on a fix?

Going out in a hotfix hopefully this week!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by unilordx

Any updates for players who are stuck with everything greyed/disabled and are unable to play at all except running around Ramsgate?

Working on a hotfix to unblock players. Hopefully getting it out this week.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Maxenin

is there any thoughts from the team about not being so severely handicapped when you reforge? feels bad going back to level 1 each time. Other than that, I know its too soon after the rollout of this system but do you have any loose goals for the release cadence of new islands of hunt grounds or adding events to the existing ones? In additions I wanted to say thanks I have my issues with the update (Mostly that I have to reforge multiple times to get my armor sets back to the +3 they had compensation WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH) however, the hunting grounds feel very good and theres less down time which is really nice.

First off, we missed the mark on migration and will be doing a second one to grant some more items (more info later).

As for reforging, the goal here was to get players engaging with all the game's content. This way, even if you're at the end game, there's an incentive to go back and cycle through ALL the content again. We did this so end game players weren't just grinding the same hunts over and over.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Threef

Why there is a snow on the forge building?

just the one snow tho

about 4 years ago - /u/hashi-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by BatInSpandex

Are you looking to tweak burning/fire damage? Even at max 20, and with Iceborne, this hits much harder than it did pre-1.5

We definitely tuned up elemental effects. Are you in full or partial Blaze gear? We'll keep an eye on how this shakes out but we want to start emphasizing the importance of elemental choices across the game.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Duff-Zilla

Are we going to get more things to do in Ramsgate? After I've collected all they daily stuff I just don't know what to do with myself.

Maybe in the future! The goal of Reforged was to get players out on islands hunting more and to reduce downtime. So far it's working!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Lucari10

Will there be additional ways to get aetherhearts? If reforging is the only way to get them it'll be kind of unfair that old players got dozens of additional ones that new players will never be able to get. Also, are there any plans to increase exp gain on higher reforge ranks? After promoting in other games it usually gets considerably easier to level back up, but it doesn't feel like that in dauntless.

We're talking about both those things. We need to wait a bit to see how the current balance plays out first but we have a bunch of cool ideas here.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by Agar_ZoS

Can you please add a map of the world where we can clearly see where each esca and hunting ground is; The current setup isn't the most immersive imo

This would be really neat. I would love to see a big, beautiful world map.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonFire7125

Is there a chance of ever getting a neutral escalation? It would be pretty interesting 😂

So far, nope!

about 4 years ago - /u/bunheadwhat - Direct link

Originally posted by Dragonhawk999

Will Shock Escalation be receiving unique behemoths like the other escalations? As the oldest escalation new behemoths might add some incentive to go back and try it out.

Never say never of course, but this is not a focus right now

about 4 years ago - /u/bunheadwhat - Direct link

Originally posted by Xannthas

Just two questions:
1. Are there plans for the exotic weapons/armor to get reworked to be more useful/fun? 1.5 made reforging them almost worthless, too, so they get left even further behind.
2. What are you going to do about the heart/shard/ram economy? Practically 100% of the playerbase thinks the economy is totally busted right now.

  1. We are talking internally about where exotics fit into Dauntless. No solid answer for you at this time, but we are talking about it!
  2. We are working on a hotfix to 1.5.0 asap to add currencies / generally be a bit more generous than we were in the first migration. That of course doesn't fix everything, so we are talking about balance + making sure the econ feels good.
about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Jhairce

It is noted that weapon experience gained from a behemoth 5 levels above you is going up to 225 for patch 1.5.1. However, the issue of having no way to fight behemoths 5 levels above you is almost impossible once you reach lvl 15+ due to hunting grounds not spawning high enough behemoths stays afloat.

Is this issue getting addressed as well?

On a second note: New experience values now make it so killing a behemoth 5 levels above you is worth slightly more than a bronze bounty. However, silver and gold bounties are still worth A LOT of grinding time.

Do you think the value of a bounty token is gonna be on a better (balanced) spot post 1.5.1?

Finally, the core gameplay loop, to me, feels a few hundreds of orders of magnitude more fun than pre-reforged. The biggest issue that remains is that there are ZERO restrictions/ruleset for WHO can enter the different gamemodes. This inevitably leads to a very poor user experience for everyone involved. Im inclined to believe this was an oversight, but it does bring up the question:

What is the plan of action to take on this issue? Is there a runner up that you can share with us?

We do want to tune the island levels or add additional islands to give level 15 - 20 players an option to always fight behemoths 5 levels above to get full XP bonuses. Sadly we did not get this into the 1.5.1 patch so it will come in a later update.

We are keeping a close eye on bounty balance and the other issue you identified of lower level players jumping into really hard islands and hurting the experience. At this time we don't have a clear plan of action and want to just get more data on player behavior and more feedback before we commit to something.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by GreatMadWombat

Could I suggest, in order

  1. Making the reforges a bit faster/less dependent on bounties? A major part of the contention around the reforge(besides the whole "temporary loss of power" thing) is that the difference between a 1-20 playthrough where you have a large amount of tokens and a 1-20 without those tokens is significant. If a baseline reforge was like..3 hours of play and a bountied reforge was 2, that would feel a heck of a lot better.

"I stop working at 5pm, I eat dinner at 6, I log onto Dauntless, reforge, and I've experienced every island by the end of my gaming time" feels a hell of a lot better than "I reforge and I'm doing this thing all week to upgrade 1 item".


  1. Put some system in place where two friends of different levels can play together in a satisfying way. If I'm logging on and my sword is lvl 14, and everything else is 20, and my friend is logging on, and they're just starting out in the game, either I'm reforging to play with them, or I'm pausing my time ingame to help my friend catch up. Neither option feels good

Thanks for the ideas!

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by -SpaceShorts-

Players that had functional sets of +10 gear have to do a lot of grinding now to get back to where they were before the update. You took that work away from them. They should be compensated for their time, unless you want to keep losing players because they feel that you can just take away the hours they put into the game at any time.

We did not do a great job of compensating players in the last migration so we're running another migration to give more rewards. We'll send out an update soon with more details.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by wulf2468

Repeaters are already boring, since they have no combos. You just hold attack to fire and spam the 2 abilities when they are off cooldown. The modular system at least made it possible to build the type of gun you wanted. Element, UE, abilities. If that's removed, repeaters are going to be even worse in the fun category. Unless you're talking a full rework, which I feel like repeaters are last on the list of weapon reworks.

Thanks, that's good feedback. Yes simply de-modularizing them with no changes is not the plan.