@DjThor21 Hi, are you having this on all servers? What type of console are you using? Please DM us so we can help you find the reason. Consoles are running on smooth 30fps.
@DayZ_BaseBuildr Hi, what issues are you having on that server?
Hello Survivors, we hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve and that the beginning of 2021 started just right! Do you have any amazing #DayZ screenshots from 2020? Please share it with us! Have a successful 2021! 🏆🥳
@Nick76120678 @Patricia1SA
@_BrunoAraujop Hi Oliviera, what do you mean? Are you having any issues? Let us know.
@Nick76120678 Hi Nick, everything in the game that is possible on PC is also possible on consoles. Unless its a mod...
Dear #Xbox Survivors, the @Xbox Countdown sale ends soon. If you want to enjoy Livonia or invite your friend into the game, now is the perfect time! 👊 #XboxSeriesX #XboxOneX
📢Hey Xbox Survivors, 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for every one of us🎢. Let's count the last of 2020 days with Xbox Countdown Sales and get DayZ with up to 50% discount. #dayz #livonia #HoliDayZ https://t.co/TFX8VLQxwm
@M1NDR: 2020 was a sh*tty year for everyone. Let's send it off properly by looking back and some of the best DayZ moments that happened…
@AsmondianA: #DayZ #DayZTips #Updated110 Background artwork by @BubsonRecords. Please give him a follow and #RT his #NamalskOST🎶 https:/…
@KRedneck6969 Helping with some basics :D Glad to support <3
@dannysmith54 @TheMaryJaneKid2 We care and making it a priority for first release of 2021
Read more here:
Stay tuned and Merry Christmas <3
@theAPROCKEL @5mokeTV
In support of a small streamer
Is Live now on Twitch #ps4
Pass by and wish Merry Christmas @TheMaryJaneKid2
@Brandon38513357 Merry Christmas Also <3
@Brandon38513357 DM us please. Let us know your set up and steps. Will be happy to assist you
@sheehy06 Have you checked?
@UncleRayRayyy @schutzhund13 @MissFooTV
Dear Survivors, thank you for being awesome! 🎀Happy #HoliDayZ🎀and may all your dreams come true! All the best from @bohemiainteract and the #DayZ team! 🧟♀️🧟🧟♂️❤️
@Fortkno50568920 @bohemiainteract Happy Holidays <3
@sartaz_sarif @knight777_dark @DayzPrevail It is on discount
Hello Survivors🎮(PSN), Take advantage of Early January sales on Playstation. Up to 50% off is definitely something to celebrate the end of 2020 with! #DayZ #Livonia #PlayStation #PS4share https://t.co/1q9epl7pYZ