📢Hello Survivors, 1.10 is coming! ⚠️ Servers are expected to go down at 14:00 CET (Console) and 15:00 CET (PC). Both should be back in an hour or so. Here are some patch notes to read while you wait! PC: https://t.co/O0h0dxdWCb Consoles: https://t.co/ZMr3MgOc7k
📢Not a fan of reading patchnotes? Check out our "reader friendly" #DayZ 1.10 article
@ProjectFounder2 !
📢Dear Survivors, the PC update 1.10 is available now! All platforms are ready to play! Let´s make some friends! 😈
@nathan_rutter16 Hey Nathan, They should be rebooting and coming up soon.
@RomyPriscilla Rebooting now, they should be up soon :)
@RossiBaldi Rebooting now! They should be up and running soon
@nofirer No you dont have to but it's recommended. We don't really know the mods you have on. I hope this answer the question.
@dayzcore pun intended ?
@M1NDR Hopefully this normalizes pet rocks :)
📢Welcome to #DayZ Update 1.10!!
The update is ready for consoles now. The servers are being tested and will be available shortly. PC update will follow soon. In the meantime, ENJOY our 1.10 teaser!😀
@usmc2396 hey dm us your suggestions! :) We're happy to listen.
📢Hello Survivors,
1.10 is coming! ⚠️ Servers are expected to go down at 14:00 CET (Console) and 15:00 CET (PC). Both should be back in an hour or so.
Here are some patch notes to read while you wait! PC: Consoles:
@SoreElbow1 No you don't NEED to, but it's up to you :)
@VodkaCupcakesXx @PrimalPunch1
@lor_eddy good luck!