@bantamgreg1 Congratulations!
@PoopSoc61445346 @DonSibleyGames @DaFoogle
@Zyco26315 Really an idea fitting of your profile pic 😅 Thanks for the suggestions, Zyco. We'll consider it.
@rkrap12 No wipe is currently planned.
@J76181715 Yes, we are imagining it now.
@CasanOvaGuTTo @community_dayz We need to make absolutely clear that this unofficial Twitter account does NOT represent the DayZ dev team or anyone at Bohemia Interactive.
@Terppz @Elia50004294
@pop_dino @justtank_gamer Update yes.
@Mr360Veteran @FRANKIEonPC Is this true!? Is @FRANKIEonPC coming back to DayZ?
@thatGuyStrike Yes! We're just gonna blame it on the game 👏
@thatGuyStrike The guy is probably Tweeting at us right now asking why the hell he spawned without his stuff on a beach after a simple server restart. Thanks a lot 😅👌
@CMDR_Losco We are aware of the issues and are working on improvements.
@DaFoogle Please do.
@Elia50004294 Almost there :)
@DaFoogle That overlay is horrendous, though 😅
The stream has just started... Should be fun 👌
Jumping on the new @FubarBundyy @DayZ Server!! https://t.co/mMr40uHuu2
@frankie85658108 Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, we will not be able to introduce big mods like the DayZ Expansion to console. That said, we are working on something that should make the console modding community happy.
@CptnKilljoi Hello, a solution to this has been found. You can read it here:
@heyitsmefleur: Captured this the other night, it's hard to tell if real life or ingame 😍 #myDayZ @DayZ
@J76181715 You mean 'arsenal', right?