over 5 years ago - PatBrutal - Direct link


  • Feature - Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.22, from 4.21.1).
  • Feature - The Archives
  • Content - Tome: Provides Challenges to players to complete for Bloodpoints, Rift Fragments, and lore Entries (stored in the Collection sub-menu). 
  • Content - The Rift: New time-limited reward system.
  • Content - A new UI element is now available at the right of the lobby menu and tally screen to provide feedback regarding The Archives. 
  • Content - New Currency: Rift Fragments. Used to progress through Tiers in an available Rift in The Archives. 
  • Content - New cosmetic type: Charms. Maximum of three (3) attach to a Survivor’s waist, or on a Killer’s hook in the environment. Customization UI has been updated to reflect this.


Misc Gameplay

  • Updated certain Killer powers with the Undetectable status effect: The Shape in Tier I of Evil Within, The Pig while in crouch mode, The Wraith while Cloaked, The Ghost Face while in Night Shroud.
  • Added a new Survivor score event for wiggling in the Killer's grasp. 25 Bloodpoints per second.
  • Added a new Survivor score event for dropping a pallet while in a chase. 200 Bloodpoints.
  • Added a new Survivor score event for fast vaulting while in a chase. 100 Bloodpoints.
  • Added a new Survivor score event when other Survivors in the trial disconnect. 600 Bloodpoints.

UI Improvements

  • Updated the icon style for cosmetic items rarities.
  • Updated the Auric Cells and Iridescent Shards background colors from yellow/blue to orange/indigo respectively. 
  • Added a perk indicator in the HUD when affected by the Babysitter perk.

Med-kit changes

  • Camping Aid Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +15% to +25%.
  • First Aid Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +25% to +35%.
  • Emergency Med-Kit: Reduced charges from 24 to 16. Increased the speed at which you heal others from +35% to +50%. Replace item efficiency with increased self-heal speeds at +50%.
  • Ranger Med-Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +25% to +50%.
  • All Hallow's Eve Lunchbox: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +15% to +35%.

Med-kit add-on changes

  • Rubber Gloves: Great skill checks grant 3% bonus progress.
  • Sponge: Great skill checks grant 5% bonus progress.
  • Needle & Thread: Skill check chance increased from +3% to +10%. 100% bonus Bloodpoints for succeeding Great skill checks.
  • Surgical Suture: Skill check chance increased from +5% to +15%. 150% bonus Bloodpoints for succeeding Great skill checks.
  • Styptic Agent: Applies the Endurance status effect for 8 seconds on use. Use with secondary action. Depletes Med-Kit on use. 
  • Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe: Heals Survivor passively over 16 seconds. Time is modified by perks and add-ons that affect healing speeds. The effect is cancelled if the Survivor changes health state or picked up. Depletes Med-kit on use. 

The Nurse changes

  • Rather than regaining all her blink charges immediately after finishing her fatigue animation, The Nurse now regains 1 blink charge every 3 seconds, starting at the beginning of the fatigue animation. The time can be modified by add-ons.
  • The Nurse will begin her reappearance approximately 0.3 seconds earlier. This is a visual-only change to ensure that survivors are not blocked or hit by a killer they cannot see.

The Nurse add-on changes

  • White Nit Comb: Decreases the length of blink attack lunges by 50% (0.15 seconds). Increases blood point rewards for blink attack score events by 100%.
  • Metal Spoon: Hitting a Survivor with a blink attack causes their sounds of pain to be moderately louder for 60 seconds.
  • Wooden Horse: Reduces extra fatigue from missed blink attacks by 50% (0.5 seconds).
  • Plaid Flannel: Rarity changed from Very Rare to Common. The blink indicator placement has been improved, and will now stay visible until the Nurse has reached her destination (it was previously not visible while blinking).
  • Dull Bracelet: Decreases maximum blink distance by 20% (4 meters). Increases Blood point rewards for precise blink score events by 100%.
  • Bad Man Keepsake: Rarity changed from Common to Uncommon. Hitting a Survivor with a blink attack causes their aura to be revealed when healing or being healed within a 28 meter range for 60 seconds.
  • Catatonic Boy's Treasure: Reduces extra fatigue from chain blinks by 100% (0.5 seconds).
  • Dark Cincture: Decreases blink recharge time by 13% (0.4 seconds).
  • Pocket Watch: Increases the duration of the chain blink window by 13% (0.2 seconds).
  • Anxious Gasp: Blinking past a survivor causes them to scream and awards 200 blood points in the devious category for terrifying them.
  • Spasmodic Breath: Hitting a survivor with a successful blink attack disables the ability to blink and increases The Nurse's base movement speed to 4.6 m/s for 60 seconds.
  • Ataxic Respiration: Reduces base blink fatigue duration by 12.5% (0.25 seconds).
  • Fragile Wheeze: Decreases blink recharge time by 20% (0.6 seconds).
  • Heavy Panting: Increases maximum blink range by 20% (4 meters) and increases maximum blink charge time by 20% (0.4 seconds).
  • "Bad Man's" Last Breath: Hitting a survivor with a successful blink attack grants The Nurse the Undetectable status for 16 seconds. This effect may be only triggered once every 60 seconds.
  • Campbell's Last Breath: After reappearing from a fully charged blink, The Nurse immediately blinks at half charge in the direction she is currently facing.
  • Kavanagh's Last Breath: Increases maximum blink range by 30% (6 meters) and increases maximum blink charge time by 30% (0.6 seconds).
  • Jenner's Last Breath: After blinking, allows the Nurse to immediately blink back to her original position by pressing the Secondary Power Button. Requires a blink charge and must be triggered during the chain blink window.
  • Matchbox: Rarity changed from Common to Ultra Rare. Removes 1 blink charge. Increases base movement speed to 4.2 m/s.
  • Torn Bookmark: Rarity changed from Common to Ultra Rare. Adds 1 blink charge. Blinks are restricted to locations in the Nurse's line of sight.

Survivor perk changes

  • Detective's Hunch: Now triggers from any generator completion instead of only generators completed by the perk owner. Increased aura reading duration from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Plunderer's Instinct: Removed the slightly and moderately stipulation from tier I and II respectively. Only unopened chest auras and items dropped on the ground will be revealed to the perk owner. Aura reading range does not change.
  • Mettle of Man: Made it so the perk can be activated and triggered more than once. 


Killer related

  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague's Corrupt Purge to apply the contagious effect on interactables.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Pig's Trap Set score event to trigger at the end of the set trap animation instead of at the beginning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Clown's gas bottles to create a constant hissing sound from the bottle's point of impact.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Clown's direct bottle hit score events to generate twice and leave a lingering hitbox.

Map specific

  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmare's Dream Snares not to be visible on specific areas of the main house tile in the Mother's Dwelling map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused invisible collision blocking player movement when going up the left side of the stairs of the main house in the Mother's Dwelling map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to float at the top of staircases in the temple building of the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams on multiple tiles in the Family Residence map.
  • Fixed a few instances that allowed Survivors to walk on top of certain chests in the Family Residence map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision when falling off a specific part of the hill in the Father Campbell's Chapel map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams on multiple tiles in the Father Campbell's Chapel map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams inside the Gas Station in the Gas Heaven map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the interior of the crashed bus to appear too bright in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a pile of tires to disappear at a distance in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a tree and a crate in the Suffocation Pit map. 
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to see inside the Silo when hugging the exterior wall in the Torment Creek map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement near the hook in the silo in the Torment Creek map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the basement stairs when the basement spawned in the barn of the Fractured Cowshed map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the fish net side of the stairs leading to the small cabin in the Grim Pantry map.  
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to walk on top of a rock asset in the Backwater Swamp maps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the map in the Backwater Swamp maps. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the map in the Lampkin Lane map.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a hedge and cement block in the Springwood maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bookshelves in the Preschool basement to be missing textures in the Springwood maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a floating crow in a hallway in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to partially hide in a wall outside of the torture room in The Game map.
  • Fixed multiple instances that caused an LOD issue on some panels in The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killer projectiles to pass through cages with blue tarps on them in the lab rooms of The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague's vomit to go through the exit gates in The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused items to clip through the vines on one of the lab tiles near the Rift room in The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to become stuck between a hooked Survivor and the vaultable staircase asset after vaulting the stairs in The Underground Complex map.
  • Added the character capsule resizing zone, to prevent body blocking, to the sensory deprivation tanks in The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate panel pieces not to be connected.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to see out of world through a specific part of the basement ceiling.
  • Misc LOD fixes and improvements.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the skill check grace period not to adjust to the audio delay on Hex: Huntress Lullaby skill checks, allowing players to cancel the skill checks after they appeared.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no VFX or SFX if a Survivor got a good skill check and let go of the repair interaction at the same time with Hex: Ruin active. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the locker doors animation to be out of sync with the Killers locker search animation when using the Iron Maiden perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Dance With Me to show Survivor scratch marks when the Survivor rushed out of a locker.


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck on the Play As Survivor lobby if connecting to a closed public lobby.
  • Adjusted the size of the pallet zone collision box, that should fix the issue where Killers could become stuck under certain conditions.
  • Added a reverse bear trap to The Pig's idle animation in the offline Killer lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer instinct highlight not to appear on Survivors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be misaligned when hooked by The Ghost Face.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a lag spike each time The Hag placed a trap while wearing the Slithering Den customization item. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused a lag spike each time The Hag placed a trap while wearing the Scorched Harvester outfit. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the tally screen not to transition properly if the player left the match during the camera intro pan.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the host of a custom game does not receive an error message if a user disconnects during the 3 dot transition from pre-lobby to lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused 0 points to show on the players own scoreboard despite having earned points in the tally screen when the host of a custom game disconnected.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to get stuck in the jumping through hatch animation when the Killer hit them as they opened it with a key. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused other players not to see the failed skill check animation being performed when the Survivor released the interaction button during the skill check.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the seal portal vignette to stop appearing when stepping away from portals.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the seal portal vignette to stay visible after sealing a portal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon's feet not to animate from its point of view when picking up and carrying a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a ground seam in the first part of the Survivor Tutorial. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Clown's knife from the Hallowed Catalyst collection to be invisible in-game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Dream World lighting between The Nightmare and Survivors not to match when changing the graphic settings to Low or Medium prior to the match.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use the arrows to switch characters when the game was running in an ultra wide resolution.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killers' red stain to be visible through walls on low graphic settings. 
  • Changed the translation for Auric Cells in Swedish.
  • Misc cosmetic clipping and improvements.

Audio & Localization

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain SFX to be missing when self-healing. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killer Instinct audio to be not heard or significantly lowered when Survivors were near the bottom of stairs. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused a missing audio cue when removing a reverse bear trap. 
  • Misc audio improvements.
  • Minor localization translation and improvements.


  • Fixed an issue that prevent users from loading into the match if a user in the lobby opened their Options menu before starting the loading. 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from scrolling through the available characters if their cursor was not on a character portrait.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible for clients to leave the lobby during the Offering burn screen.
  • Adjusted the players usernames to prevent overlapping from the Killers point of view in the online lobby. 
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to continue rotating their characters without holding the button to rotate. 
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use the arrows to switch characters when the game was running in an ultra wide resolution. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Store button to become grayed out after a public match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the controller bumper prompts to have uneven spacing in the Game Manual sections of the Tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the fade out between Killer and Survivor select in the Store to be offset.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Daily Rituals button to disappear when switching to a Spectator in a Custom Game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no indication in the tooltip informing the players the progress that was made towards the Lightbringer emblem for opening exit gates.
  • Misc UI improvements.

Dedicated Server

  • Fixed an issue that caused Splinter Offerings not to work in a match. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to return to the lobby as an un-owned Killer when using Splinter Offerings. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag and The Demogorgon to be stuck in the place trap/portal animation. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress to be able to hit multiple Survivors with a single hatchet. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to become stuck in a loop of placing a trap and getting caught in a trap when attempting to place a bear trap. 
  • Adjusted the projectile throwing interaction (The Clown, The Huntress & The Plague) to increase its responsiveness. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to become stuck in the window when fast vaulting a specific window in the main house of the Family Residence map. 
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the lobby Loadout to stay visible on the loading screen and in a match.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused the users score to show as 0 when getting the "Disconnected From Host" error message on the tally screen. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause permanent Blind VFX when blinded by the flashlight item.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused cosmetics equipped in an online lobby not to appear in the trial. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused unhooked Survivors to stay in the hooked animation if they were unhooked as the Killer momentarily got disconnected.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Survivors to be misaligned when getting hooked. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused stuttering animation when the Killer snapped into the break pallet animation. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause The Shape's Evil Within to revert tiers.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors escape through hatch interaction to take priority over the Killers close hatch interaction. 



Med-kits and add-ons

  • Styptic Agent: To allow more counterplay we've reduced the time that Endurance will be active from 15 seconds to 8 seconds for the Styptic Agent specifically. Borrowed Time's Endurance timing has not changed.
  • Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe: The Heal Over time effect now takes 16 seconds to heal a health state. We've increased the heal over time effect to 16 seconds (up from 8) for the release. As this is an effect that passively heals you while you can do other actions and it can be affected by items/ add-ons and perks we felt that having a timing similar to the regular health state heal made more sense than the 8 seconds that we put on the PTB.

The Nurse and add-ons

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the blink recharge timer to start too early if the player attacks after blinking.
  • Moved The Nurse's reappearance audio back to the end of blink. It had been mistakenly moved 0.3 seconds earlier when the changes were made to the blink reappearance visuals.
  • Torn Bookmark will now properly let The Nurse start with 3 blink charges (it was previously starting with 2 and only charging up to 3 after a blink had been performed) and removed the blink indicator effect.
  • Dark Cincture: Blink recharge time modifier changed from -0.6 seconds to -0.4 seconds.
  • Fragile Wheeze: Blink recharge time modifier changed from -0.9 seconds to -0.6 seconds.


  • Added icons and additional Help pages in the Help & Tutorials for The Archives.
  • Added a new Rift Fragment icon.
  • Updated the progress bar in The Rift.
  • Added an animation on the purchase tier button in the Archives.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder name to appear in The Archives menu when first loading in.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error message when opening the Archives.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a discrepancy of VFX on cosmetics and Charms is The Rift and in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused items in The Rift to refresh when selected multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lobby flow and UI to break when selecting a Challenge in the Archive widget and pressing the Ready button before the transition.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Archives Widget to stay in the hover state when returning to the pre-lobby after a match. 
  • Fixed multiple Archive Challenges that were unable to gain progress.
  • Fixed multiple Archive Challenges that completed under the wrong conditions. 
  • Fixed multiple Archive Challenges that had the wrong or missing texts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mist to move faster when the user had uncapped FPS. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused escaping through the hatch to count twice towards the Escape Artist Challenge.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress' Lacquered Wono Ax to appear in players inventories without unlocking it from The Rift.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress' hatchet to disappear in the lobby when changing her customization. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress to perform a basic attack when canceling her hatchet wind up.
  • Fixed multiple audio occlusion issues.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Killers' terror radius to affect Survivors outside of the maximum range.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to hear chase music loudly for the remainder of the match when the Tinkerer perk activated. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killer Instinct audio to be not heard or significantly lowered when Survivors were near the bottom of stairs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Charms to snap into position when equipping them. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the hook model not to dissolve properly in the pre-lobby when equipping Charms.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Charms to clip through the Killers camera when Survivors on their shoulder wiggled.
  • Fixed multiple issues that caused cosmetics to clip through the Killers camera while carrying Survivors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors hands to clip through their head when Snapping Out of It.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a disconnect when spam healing a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the exit gates to have loud noise notifications when they were powered.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer instinct highlight not to appear on Survivors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple location indicators to have incorrect visual feedback.
  • Fixed an issue that caused cosmetics with apex to clip through the Killers camera when carrying Survivors. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused chases to either not trigger or be maintained when Killers were affected by the Undetectable status effect. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith, The Pig and The Ghost Face's terror radius to instantly disappear when they activated their stealth abilities.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon's add-ons to appear on several other Killers Bloodwebs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a collision on the portal after The Demogorgon placed it.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse's blink recharge audio cue to use the same SFX as picking up an item.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause The Nurse to become invisible after a blink.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to get stuck when hooking a Survivor or destroying a pallet after the Spasmodic Breath status ran out.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse's movement to be jittery when the Spasmodic Breath status ran out.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse's Spasmodic Breath add-on to affect her carrying speed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag's camera to reposition itself when attacking while carrying a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Clown's gas bottles to create a constant hissing sound from the bottle's point of impact.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Shape's hand to clip through Survivors heads during his mori.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be misaligned when hooked by The Ghost Face.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the fire and smoke VFX from fire barrels to be missing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the seal portal vignette to stop appearing when stepping away from portals.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the seal portal vignette to stay visible after sealing a portal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon's portal indicator to display during its mori. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused all of the lights in The Underground Complex map to flicker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a pile of tires to disappear at a distance in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a fireplace to be missing the fire in one of the houses in the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the smoke VFX on the Entity Spikes to be missing at the exit gate threshold. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck on the Play As Survivor lobby if connecting to a closed public lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the host of a custom game does not receive an error message if a user disconnects during the 3 dot transition from pre-lobby to lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the crane to have the incorrect texture color in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a seam in the ground near the Slaughterhouse building entrance in the Rancid Abattoir map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ground inside the house building to be missing floor textures in the Family Residence map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused a major LOD transition on the Asylum building of the Disturbed Ward map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a hedge and cement block in the Springwood maps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an impassable gap between a tree and a hedge in the Springwood maps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the map in the Backwater Swamp maps.  
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the map in the Lampkin Lane map.  
  • Fixed an issue that prevented The Nurse from blinking to the street from the balcony of a house if the car in the driveway was in her path in the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a tree and a crate in the Suffocation Pit map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused too much lighting on the light outside the shack. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a dead corpse and a table in one of the lab rooms on the upper floor of The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to lose their hair when dropped in The Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Back button text color to remain highlighted after having hovering over the button.
  • Fixed an issue that caused missing chest searching audio. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a hang or crash when Survivors escaped the trial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when closing the application through the Quit Game button or Alt + F4. 
  • Misc Archives localization improvements.
  • Misc Archives UI improvements.
  • Misc Charms and cosmetic improvements and fixes. 


  • Survivors cannot back out of the lobby if they ready up while in the Loadout. 
  • It is possible for users to disconnect from the match when The Legion's Frenzy runs out.  
  • Survivor shadow models can be seen in front of bubble indicators.  
  • Users can sometimes crash while in the Collection tab in the Archives menu.  
  • Rift Fragment experience is not updated in the Archives Widget when in the tally screen if there is no active challenge.