Is there worldwide shipping? I am from Kazakhstan.
I believe so, but I do not know the specific details. It should tell you before you check out.
wonder what's the difference between "STL files ALL - For EU/UK Backers" and "STL files ALL"
That's because residents in the EU/UK needs to pay VAT on digital products (VAT will be added at checkout).
Hi Jacob!
How long will it be available for?!
30 days or so
I'm wondering if it's worth the purchase solely as a collectors item, as I will never find anyone to play with IRL
While I don’t recommend buying it for collecting alone, the factory samples we got were very nice. There’s no way to know if it will hit retail, but a reprint for kickstarter might be possible at some point.
I qualified for the coin but the shipping costs for the coin alone total at 25€, surely that can't be right, just for a coin?
Sounds weird, but that might be due to the minimum price from the distribution centers. I assume they’ve set prices according to people backing an entire boardgame. I think they decided that people could back to get the coin alone, but unsure if there’s any way around the shipping cost. That’s a question that only MOOD can answer, so you have to contact them through the pledge manager.
What's the point of the standard edition of it doesn't come with a game board?
What do you mean? It does.
The collectors edition comes with the mat
Ah, that’s extra. The game board in all versions are the standard binding board (or similar) that folds into the box. The mat shown is a deluxe add-on included in the big version, and l believe it can also be bought separately. It’s made of neoprene with print like most modern mouse pads. It’s nice, but not needed.
Do the stretch goal tokens come with the Collector's Edition Version B? I don't see them in the picture for it.
The plastic tokens? They're in the picture as far as I can tell.
What is the purpose of the extra set of dice? Does the game run smoother with more than 1 set? Is the extra set the same as the ones that come in the regular box?
It's an extra set of the same dice. Some people like to have another set, so they don't have to pass them across the board all the time. It's for convenience, basically.
I’m yet to receive my survey and when I submit a lost survey it says my email is wrong, but it’s the same email I got the updates
You have to get in touch with Mood. There’s a contact link on page.
I'm specifically looking at the engineer platform tokens and whatever those other little blue ones are. They're in the picture for "plastic tokens + stretch goal tokens", but not the picture for "Collector's Edition Version B".
I assume that’s just the cropping. There’s 113 tokens in the game, and the addon is 113 plastic tokens, so the math checks out.
I have a few questions before I drop a ton of monee for this amazing product
-how does buying this work since I'm very late to the party and the Kickstarter already ended, like where do I buy this?
-are the standard games tokens cardboard and to get a plastic version I need to buy the separate plastic tokens pack to get those?
-is the only difference between deluxe and standard the enemies being miniatures instead of cutouts?
Overall I'm really excited to get and play this game and I want to get everything it offers and the most high quality version of it, I just couldn't fully understand what all includes what due to my pea brain
You can preorder through the link above. It will probably be a later shipping than the kickstarter and late pledges, but not sure. It should say. Plastic tokens are a deluxe upgrade for the punched cardboard ones. It’s nice, but not needed. They don’t replace the tokens in the box, so you’d get both if you order the tokens. The only difference is the monsters being figurines instead of cutouts, yes. The dwarves are figurines in both versions, afaik.