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Yesterday (18th Jan) after creating a public Lobby, a player joined with a level of 103!!! On Playstation. And here I thought I grinded alot with my level 18, playing almost everyday... Given the release on 1st of Jan. Can someone do the Math how much this Person must have grinded total / played per day?! When we say average XP per mission is around 7000XP (maybe less given that some missions fail) and an average time for mission is 30min(?). Anyhow Rock&Stone to the Lad who can kill bugs all day. I envy you! I wish I had the time and the tenacity!

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about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Nytherion

the game was released a lot earlier than january. it just got added to ps plus this month is all

No, it came out that very day.