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Small ask - could we get a 'kill breakdown' at the end of mission? While some might say, 'kill numbers don't matter', they totally do to many people and often influence the perception of class performance.

What I'm asking for is, as well as the total kills, the option to see what was killed. Number of swarmers, spinners, spitters, praetorians and so on.

Perhaps have it so we hove the mouse over the kill total and a small table pops up.

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over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

It's deliberately vague, as chasing kills will remove focus from the actual mission. It's not a competition, and some classes are better equipped for killing than others.

over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ScudleyScudderson

Showing what was killed might mean that classes and builds who typically produce less kills can at least demonstrate that what they killed was important.

As you say, some classes are better equipped at killing. As an example, an equally skilled Scout, even running Hipster, is unlikely to show more kills than an Engineer, regardless of how hard they try and compete. They could, however, demonstrate that they've supported the team by focusing on high-value targets.

I appreciate not wishing to encourage competition but you're already displaying a total kill number for comparison. People are going to treat those total kills as a competition/point of reference, regardless.

takes notes
So ... remove all stats... got it. :D

over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ScudleyScudderson

Showing what was killed might mean that classes and builds who typically produce less kills can at least demonstrate that what they killed was important.

As you say, some classes are better equipped at killing. As an example, an equally skilled Scout, even running Hipster, is unlikely to show more kills than an Engineer, regardless of how hard they try and compete. They could, however, demonstrate that they've supported the team by focusing on high-value targets.

I appreciate not wishing to encourage competition but you're already displaying a total kill number for comparison. People are going to treat those total kills as a competition/point of reference, regardless.

Jokes aside, adding the kill count itself was also debated. I think it's a compromise.
Anywho, I don't see that changing - we do not want people to focus on who took down what. It's a team effort, and we do not want people to lose focus just to be the one to take down the most praetorians, for example.