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They don't need to buff the weapon if they provide alternatives players can take to enjoy their weapon. ATM there's maybe 1 good overclock the LOK-1 has and that shouldn't be the case.

EDIT: While I understand that I and many others cant find the LOK-1 as resourceful as many who don't like the idea of buffing it, I can't understand why people don't even want a ammo overclock as an option for those who may be struggling to enjoy the weapon.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Burnheart2244

The engineer his primary is supposed to be his weak side weapon and his secondary is where most of the stats go. A reverse gunner if you will. Yet 21111 ECR is busted it can do it all with ez fear, skillless shooting and 1 bullet for swarmers groups or neadocyte group, 4m 50 damage AoE explosions

Even a fool can see how it outclasses all other primaries and is beastly. Why it hasnt been nerfed since experimental S1 is beyond me.

I removed your other comment, but you get an upvote for being one of the few not complaining about that rifle.