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almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by theyeshman

I'm so sad the GSG devs have become so out of touch with the community. I left the game a while after the new maps were added since they're so colorblindness un-friendly and the devs refused to implement a colorblind mode/exclude new maps from deep dives. Once it became clear the devs just didn't listen to concerns here or on steam, it made it harder to enjoy the game for me. I love what DRG used to be, but the new 'realistic' rock and stone restrictions are just another example of GSG being out of touch. Shame, since they used to be top tier with their community interaction.

I can’t tell if you’re serious…

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by theyeshman

I am. I loved this game for a couple of years and have almost 500 hours logged on steam, but I just can't enjoy it anymore. Is my perception wrong in your opinion? Besides the colorblind mode, a friend of mine has gender dysphoria triggered by the all-male roster, and the rest of our group quit when elite enemies were added despite community backlash. For our group, these were important (in the context of a game we play for fun) flaws in a game that weren't being addressed despite the feedback given.

Well, in my opinion, kinda yes, since it's me you've been interacting with on both Twitch and here... but let me just address the things you mention, since I can see how the communication that does get out, can easily drown in all the things that are going on. We're still a very small team, and often it's very much about how and what we can fit in, and with the growth the game has been having, while we reach more people, there are also a lot more things happening that can hide the things.
So, the colorblind thing we simply haven't had the bandwidth for yet. It's something we want to do, and something I am poking people to get in, but it still requires someone to have time to sit and do it. It's not off the table, but I am not in a position where I can promise much more than "I want to make it happen".
Re: the all-male cast (and gender dysphoria), we had a thread about it the other day. To sum up my reply from back then, female dwarves are something we've wanted to do and to do right when we did, but the way the system has been built from the very start, we basically have one lumpy character potato and adapting that to other body shapes and types would be a gigantic task at this point. So, we've realized that it might not happen. Some people feel we should just make it canon that male and female dwarves are indistinguishable, but that feels like a cop-out and goes against us wanting to do it right when we do. So, lesson learned, and the next project we work on, we won't make the same mistake (if that is even applicable - we'll see. We're still focused on DRG.)
The Elite Enemies had a rough start. Long story short, they had one rather specific application design-wise but was moved into the entire game, which they really weren't designed for. When we realized that, we turned them back into a warning. We did want to do more with them, but that would require a lot of new systems to be added, and that was out of scope at the time.

I/We've addressed all these things in comments and during Stream, and whenever it shows up (and I see it). We're still very much interacting with the community and listening to feedback. Some of the feedback doesn't come before we actually make a controversial change, and when that happens, we're usually not too proud to roll it back... or ride out the storm, if the change makes sense in a bigger picture than people realize.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by theyeshman

Oh, good on them for that! Didn't catch that news, my bad. Still, as far as I know, there's still no colorblind mode, and a dev responding to issues with their game with "I can't tell if you're being serious..." really shows where where GSG's relationship with the community has gone. Yes, there are seriously people who are colorblind, and people who experience gender dysphoria in games.

I was actually not sure if you were serious, because the last part of your comment started to sound a bit sarcastic, so glad you cleared that up with some issues.