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over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by SkaterSnail

Ok so originally they said it would be out in Q3, which ends September 30th. Now they've pushed it back into Q4, with 34.5 in it's place. I doubt even they know when everything will be ready. But since they pushed the smaller update separately, they must not expect the larger changes to be ready for quite some time. They usually give official dates for updates about 2 weeks in advance, so I wouldn't expect to hear anything until at least October.

Let me just clear some misconceptions up, since there's a lot of assumptions.

  • Update 34.5 isn't in the place of anything. It's been developed separately taking little to no resources from the content team developing for Update 34.
  • We do know when it will be ready. Everything was on track for Q3, but on such a tight schedule that one man down would have pushed it all. As we don't crunch, we'd rather play it safe and push the update slightly.
  • A lot of work goes into these updates, not only content-wise but also in regards to communication, promotion, and timing with the storefronts. You really don't want to push an update right when a competitor launches their game, or something really big comes out. There's also stuff like holidays to consider. That's why we can't always communicate the date too far in advance.
  • That said, we are aware that it feels like a lot since it's been a while since the last big update - and pushing from a three month period to another without actually saying when, so I've asked if we can reveal the release date sooner rather than later, so that part is out of the way.