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Asking for a friend.

Anyone remember the community trailer competition in the first half last year? The thing is, me and my buds where promised shiny merc for a place on the podium (<4th place), which we did, and guess what we got - nothing. And instead of rewarding your players and fans for the blood and sweat they put into their videos that pushed the word of the launch even farther into the depths of the internet, you decided to launch plush loot bugs for sale. And thats what bugs me (pun intended).

Will it ever come? Or should we carry on and remember it as a promise broken?

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about 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Hey We’re actually almost there. Due to COVID 19 and logistics it’s been taking longer than expected. The steins/mugs were recently made available, which was the final thing to cross off on the list, so after Update 33 is out, we’ll put some focus on getting the things shipped to our office and then to the winners. Why are we doing it like that? Well, since FFBF is an external partner, we can’t really guarantee that whatever we ship out would be hit with a customs charge, so that makes it a bit more hairy in the handling. Alsoilostbotharmstoahungryhoolihoarder