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Seriously, some sort of beep when all locks are engaged would go a long way towards making this gun feel more natural to use. Maybe some clicks when single locks engage would be nice as well. Just would be a nice QOL change for the LOK-1.

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about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by DJSparky11

I don't see how so many people are struggling with the weapon's ammo, I've had no issues at all, just use expanded cap and the mod that prevents locking more bullets on a target than necessary, then just pick targets outor use the breach cutter to clear waves that are too large. I do agree some sort of lock sound would be good though.

Just a note. The gun never overshoots, so the SMRT upgrade won’t save you ammo, it will actually let you spend ammo faster, since you’ll only get locks that will spend ammo. Without SMRT the gun will overlock, but still not shoot more shots that needed.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

I personally believe that most of the ammo issues are in people’s heads. They are used to shooting at fewer enemies and all of a sudden they’re targeting more enemies at a time. The gun is simply more effective.