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almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Ocknok

Imagine if this was an actual mode. They could make hazard 11 a difficulty level where it is an endless horde and all the enemies and boss fights are buffed, but to counter this they give all the dwarves overpowered equipment (Such as the infamous scunner from this post). I know this would be hard to implement, but this would be pretty fun.

Not hard to do, but very hard to do right without messing up other things. Mods usually focus on enhancing one specific area and rarely has to juggle how that influences everything else.

We’re pretty comfortable with the current state of the difficulties, and for everything else, there’s mods.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Vehrimon

Had a discussion with you lads about higher difficulties on stream a couple weeks ago, solid points from everyone in the team that was there, and I understand why a higher difficulty isn't in the books.

That said, I still believe in my heart of hearts that it would add longevity to the game, the numbers may not be big today but the way I see it, players are always improving and so the amount of greybeards is ever-increasing, higher difficulties also motivate people to improve further. I imagine greybeards also drive the word of mouth quite actively which is why keeping them around with a challenge just seems like a good investment to me

Totally not copium

(I know mods are one way of doing it but let me tell you I'm definitely not interested in what OP posted, scout with thunderhead and just flooding the map with 8000 spawns isn't my cup of tea)

In some ways it would, but it would still be a for a very small segment of people. While players can move to higher difficulties over time, the distribution has always been pretty consistent. If people abandoned the lower difficulties over time, it would make sense to do something to change it up, but they don't. It's also important to keep in mind that all of the Haz 5 playerbase doesn't necessarily want Haz 6 and above - so it's a subset of a subset really.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Doohurtie

Heeeey Jacob! Welcome to this little view of hell, buddy!

I don't understand how you are having more than 1 frame per second, lol

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Doohurtie

Shagg and Myron are somewhere else in this comment thread ask them lol