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I know I sound like I’m about to say something like in game dlc,but I’m not actually,I’ve saw a video of a guy who drank some of the craftable beers in game out of four different 3D printed mugs that came from the game and it got me thinking,why doesn’t ghost ship release some officially merch?,such as mugs,clothes,posters,plushies. It could help provide some funds for helping both the game and maybe the board game,and I’m sure there’s some players who would definitely buy some official merch and I would totally see myself buying a knockout stout mug if they release one,and I didn’t see much online about official merch and most of it seems fan made,but if there is official merch feel free to discuss and tell me about it in the comments

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almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

There's merch here.

If you want max supporting-the-devs for your money, best thing you can do it buy the game and/or DLC.
Anything physical like merch has a very high cost and other parties getting paid for their work, so get merch for you (and a little bit for us too).