about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

First hotfix have been deployed on PlayStation, and should be available anytime soon.


  • Crash caused by impatient dwarves spamming X on the start screen
  • Serverlist pretending every game is in the US
  • US players not getting the sign-on bonus from Starter/Ultimate DLC

IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO GAMES: This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games, you can try and fix it by turning your modem/router off then on again. We will continue to investigate a possible solution. More info here from another game: https://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-Battlefront/Multiple-Consoles-PS4-s-on-Same-Network/td-p/5109187

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

First hotfix have been deployed on PlayStation, and should be available anytime soon.


  • Crash caused by impatient dwarves spamming X on the start screen
  • Serverlist pretending every game is in the US
  • US players not getting the sign-on bonus from Starter/Ultimate DLC

IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO GAMES: This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games, you can try and fix it by turning your modem/router off then on again. We will continue to investigate a possible solution. More info here from another game: https://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-Battlefront/Multiple-Consoles-PS4-s-on-Same-Network/td-p/5109187

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Musibat24-7

So the issue we are facing where we can’t invite or join our friends is not part of this patch?

The EA battle front issue resolution never worked. And the issue was never fixed. Infact the issue EA has with the new battle field is even worse.

Btw congrats on launching on PlayStation. Rock and stone.

Other than this invite and joining issue there are not many bugs in the game. Nearly flawless launch. Impressive.

Suggestion can you make the menus respond more responsive cuz atm it acts really weird. E.g can’t move they menu with R1 n R2 unless you click on the above section. And this it’s hard to change volume or sensitivity cuz the bars won’t move with left or right but we have to click on the bar as if we are using a mouse.

But that all can wait. Please give us a hot fix that allows us to invite our friends or join them.

Rock and stone!

We still need to figure out why it happens, because it’s not an issue everyone is having, so tracking the error is very hard. Friend invites is one of the things that Sony will test internally, and the game can’t release without it working, so it working most of the time for most people just makes it harder to locate and fix.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by boong_ga

"Serverlist pretending every game is in the US"

This didn't change for me (EU).
Yesterday every server was still in the US and only "far" servers were found.

And today? Make sure your game is updated. The bug shouldn’t be able to stick around, unless something else is causing it for you (PlayStation region setting/VPN)

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by MaKiBot1337

Maybe I have an idea: Why does connecting to people's games who I don't know work, but connecting to my PS Buddies not? My suggestion is, that it must be sth with being friends in PS AND maybe because friends are normally together in PS chat BEFORE they play! Option 1: inviting friends without PS chat (nobody is connected to PS chat) Option 2 : creating a game where friends join WITHOUT PS chat active Option 3 : de friend a buddy, create a game and send him the mission name, so that he can join via mission board.

I do think, that option 2 can work ... I can test it later - work is waiting 😅

That's interesting!
What would also be really helpful is if we could get a video of the flow used. It is working for some, so we really need something visual to help it track down for those where it doesn't work, as there are a lot of ways to invite friends.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ZXE102Rv2

Question. What method would be best in giving feedback and pointing out bugs in the game for devs to look into.

We do have a jira set up for it, and instructions on how to access it on our Discord. Posting on reddit is a good 2nd alternative, but it needs traction to be visible.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Musibat24-7

Thank you for the quick response.

Any way we can help? We can provide you with info if you need from our end.

It will be really helpful if we can get a video of the flow used. It is working for some, so we really need something visual to help it track down for those where it doesn't work, as there are a lot of ways to invite friends.So video where we can see the path to failure - are you in a party/are you unable to play with PS4 people on a PS5/unable to play with PS5 people on a PS4/does it work when a PS4 invites, but not when a PS5 invites.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Dead-Sync

I might be way out of line and too new to the game to provide any sort of relevant feedback....

But if you have issues with inviting friends, my friends and I noticed some similar issues with Tribes of Midgard.

Some friends couldn't join me if they were sent an individual invite, but COULD join if they went into an invite dropped into a party. Some, had the inverse issue.

Might not be relevant in this case, but may be something worth trying, since at least on PS4/PS5 there seems to be some slight difference between getting Game Invite (sent to an individual player), and 'posting' a session invite into a Party's Text Chat and having party members join that way.

That's super helpful. Any info like this might be an important piece of the puzzle!

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by MaKiBot1337

Okay, very bad news! What we tested: Platform: PS4 and PS4 pro Started the game without chat active. I started an open server without password - friend couldn't connect De friended friend, restarted console, restarted game, created open game without password - my de friended buddy searched for my game - couldn't connect. Important: My friend couldn't connect to any game I can at least connect to other games

This is very, very strange .... We don't have any problems with other games.

Maybe someone can also test other possibilities, but it looks like it is not depending on settings in-game, because we nearly do not change anything (except controls) .

Good luck ... This seems to be a hard one and I hope you guys are at least trying to solve it

We’ve located a few things that might cause issues, like the system clocks not matching(?!?) and having a blocked list of more than 15 people(?!).

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by doktormane

My wife and I have been trying to play together online using a PS4 and a PS5. We've had no luck. Tried unfriending her, using a different router, using the PS4 version of the game, her trying to connect to my lobby through the server list. It's obvious that there is an issue with online play.

Oh yes, there totally is. It’s just consistently hitting a small group of people out of the total player base, so we’re trying to figure out what is different. I’ve seen some posts mentioning they’re in the same house (living together), but that’s just a small piece of the puzzle, and it might not be the full extent of it - and most likely isn’t the actual cause (since our inhouse testing is… in the same house).

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Eastman1982

I reported ever since the update I was unable to join friend invites. Even today I still couldn’t get in. My setup is ps5 on my network and PS4 on my network I tried rebooting it and adding removing everything and I still couldn’t get a co-op game with my son. Now heres the interesting thing my router is dual band the PS4 is on 2.5ghz and my ps5 is on 5ghz when I changed my ps5 to 2.5ghz IT WORKED. after 2 days me and my son can finally ROCK AND STONE again I hope this helps anyone still with problems.

That's interesting! Thanks!

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Arkhangelsk252

All of you having issues connecting, you can join each other with the following -

Both have DRG running and disbanded groups

Through the playstation interface Person A creates a party with Person B.

Go back to the friends list on Playstation, Person A selects person Bs. They should be showing as playing Deep Rock Galaxy.

This will then launch you into the game with your friend.

Either that or randomly started working for us but we were having issues last night and this morning trying to play

To the devs, is it an issue with Conflicting party join groups? Where if the players are already in a playstation group then its fine?

Could be. It could also be people trying to join a client and not the person hosting, or something with the party affecting it. We're collecting all the data we can on it.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Liamrileylfc

I don’t know if anyone will have a fix for me but I am on PS5 and when I start this game up I get screen tears for about 30 seconds or more and then eventually it goes fine.. and the same goes with rocket league. Everything else is perfectly normal and loads like normal but these two are strange.. anyone got an idea?

Both are Unreal Engine games, so that might be key to figuring out why, but most likely hardware issues, since it doesn't seem to be common.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by MaKiBot1337

Maybe i have sth for you!

We now tried over half an hour and found out that we (located in Germany) are NOT able to join GER Missions!!!

We could both jump quite without problems on an AT mission or an PL mission, where the host was from a different country then we are.

Platform: PS4pro and PS5
1st try: Invite via PS Network -> connection failed
2nd try: My buddy created a mission, i found it and try to join -> connection failed
3rd try: i invited my buddy and after that created a mission where he tried to join -> connection failed
4th tray: my buddy and I tried to join a DE mission -> connection failed (for both)
5th try: my buddy joined an AT mission and i joined directly with hin -> SUCCESS
6th try: we tried to join each other via PS network invite -> connection failed
7th try: we tried to join a DE mission again -> connection failed
8th try: we tried to join an AT mission again -> SUCCESS
9th try: we tried to join an PL mission -> SUCCESS

My conclusion, that somehow it depends on GER player connecting to GER mission OR it depends on same country people connect to same country missions.

Also what was important:
We once failed to join a AT mission, because we forgot to abandon the team - the error message was different with big red letters: CONNECTION FAILED

Hope you guys can do sth with it :-)

I’ll pass it on! Are you by any chance on the same internet provider? That’s probably not relevant at all, but it adds more info to the puzzle.

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by MrCorona88

It wasn‘t working for me and my friends as well i postet a comment underneath check it out

I made a mobile hotspot with my mobile phone (iphone) and it works now for everyone (they can join me i can‘t join them!

“they can join me i can‘t join them!”

You can’t? Or is that a typo?

about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by pushpoploadstore

"IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO GAMES: This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games..."

HAHAHAHAAH WHAT?! No this isn't a problem with "all" PS games. Jesus tap dancing christ your game has major network and crashing issues. Also, when you get dropped 5 minutes before the end of the mission with zero chance to reconnect it is just awful to not get any XP or resources. Why? Because your game is buggy af. Bugs.. bugs everywhere!

The link has a bunch of potential fixes for common networking issues in games on PlayStation. You can easily expand it to other platforms too, but since these issues are on PlayStation, it’s targeted towards people searching for that. So yes, PlayStation games utilizing network features can encounter similar issues across games, and possibly fix them by opening ports or disabling features that are known to cause these issues. That doesn’t mean it’s the solution to the network issues some are having, which is why we say we’re looking for the cause(s) too.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by SweetDank

This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games

And THIS is a desperate statement to shift the blame away from your dev team. Shame on you. Roughly 200 games working fine on my PS4 but yours does not. This is not a Sony problem.

The ability to make a room with friends went away after the update a few weeks ago.

We can join a public lobby fine but that's not what we want to do.

Fun game that I'd love to sink hundreds of hours into with my friends but for $0 I guess I'm getting what I paid for :(

That’s not what it says at all. It’s a list of common problems in networked games on PS4 together with potential fixes. That doesn’t mean it applies to everyone, every PS4 game, or that blame is put on Sony.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by SweetDank

So, I originally came here for a solution/information about my PS4/PSN-friends Bug but your reply ignored every word of that and focused solely on the defensive and pedantic framing of your original post. If that's what you'd rather waste time on, I'm happy to oblige :)

IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO GAMES: This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games

This is not a list, it's a statement. It's also the only reply you offer for people that are having problems connecting to games. You then blame my router/modem (which both work fine) instead of your code (which does not work very well at the moment).

There are 2 more blame shifts in your post:

Crash caused by impatient dwarves spamming X...Serverlist pretending every game is in the US

I know you tried to cute this down but blaming user behavior for a corner case you didn't anticipate is poor form. Acting like your code can "pretend" is a cop-out too.

There are 4 bugs listed here and 75% of them have a lame excuse tied to it. 2 of them blaming the customers directly.

I don’t know why you are trying to argue that there’s an implied blame on someone else, when I specifically tell you there’s not. The link has a bunch of common fixes to common network issues people playing on PS4 can encounter. It’s neither implying or blaming anyone, nor saying that those fixes are the only solutions. It worked for some, and that helped us eliminate those reports, so we could actually identify the issues that others were having. We’ve done a bunch of hotfixes since then eliminating a lot of the issues that we did have. If you’re still having issues, that’s unfortunate - but being a dick is not getting you closer to actually getting help, especially on a month old thread predating several fixes.