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with testing on the new gunner weapon players have discovered that ally dwarfs can ride the guided missiles by jumping on them at the right time. while some might consider it a bug, I think it's one that should stay in the game:

What does this add: an optional support tool for exploration, with this gunner can relocate an ally to any part of the cave they can see, it's most useful to drillers, and least useful to scouts by a wide margin, as they can usually get to any portion of the cave quickly on their own

Does it have a fair tradeoff to maintain weapon/class balance?: I'd argue yes.

  1. First any missed rockets attempting this become wasted ammo, or hurt you allies.
  2. The gunner needs to focus on the "ride" the entire time to ensure the fellow dwarf gets there safely.
  3. It's risky, as falling off the rocket is likely going to result in lethal fall damage.
  4. It's a one-way trip, unless the gunner is Karl's firstborn and can maneuver another rocket to them and then turn it around, timed perfectly so the ally can jump back on it, which is a feat so crazy that it would shake hoxxes more than a mining rig recall launch.

these trade-offs would still leave other guns viable as only a select few would even bother with it, and it is reliant on both the gunner and rider to be on board with the maneuver, so it's not going to interfere with other player's duties, it also doesn't negate the versatility of the scout, who can travers in way more scenarios with far more control.

Does it fit thematically?: your asking me If a dwarf would grab onto a missile and fly around like a madman just to skip walking? of course it fits the theme of the game!

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over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by shawnaroo

I'm just wondering why this is even possible unless it was an intended mechanic. Why would the rocket have a collision box that a player could attach onto otherwise? I can't think of any other reason why they'd have the rocket do anything other than explode on any collision.

I think most of our (larger) projectiles have collision. Fairly sure you can ride a spitballer shot too.

over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by uss_essex_CV-9

So it seems like this is something you're going to leave in the game based off that then

I wouldn't assume that, since it potentially makes the Hydra a lot more attractive if it can be used to transport players to hard-to-reach spots. Since traversal is a big thing in DRG, things that affect traversal in ways that skew the balance, are likely to get changed. Or, put in another way, the gunner is not supposed to have a weapon that can double as a method to transport players around the level.