Let me start off by saying that last night I learned that people can join your mission even if you are still in the Space Rig. In my 130h of gameplay, I always thought it was once you launched people could start joining.
So, I needed to poo really badly. However, there was a mission that I wanted to do for my assignment, so I selected it, set it open to public and left to do my thing. I came back like 45 minutes later (reddit is a time black hole) and, to my surprise, three other dwarves were there.
I was sooo confused that I was sure they were some of my friends that decided to get together and switch their names to fool me, but no, these were incredible dwarves I had never met.
I do not know what the best part of that was: Was it that they got together to try and make an automatic goal scorer in the drop pod? Was it that they started to theorize why I left and if I was alright (unsurprisingly, one of them got it right)? Was it the fact that they all decided to wait up to 45mins instead of leaving to do their own mission? Or was it how we all instantly clicked together? I don't know but god damn I loved them instantly.
We spent the rest of the night together and they were the best team I ever had.
If one of you three dwarves read this, thank you for giving me my favourite moments in DRG. Rock and stone to the heart!
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