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Ok, so the day has come I have 4 people with gamepass wanting to try the game. I also have my original Steam group of players.

My plan is to keep moving my save file from one platform to the other multiple times, there's a lot of post on how to do that, but not a lot of feedback on people trying it more than once.


Is anything going to get broken? For instante I notice in gamepass that the achievement don't pop, so maybe achievement are going to break? The discord link thingy is going to be ok? I also noticed that it doesn't appear in Gamepass.

Rock & Stone brothers. I just hope that someday they release the game to all platforms (PS4-5, switch, etc...) with massive crossplay between them.

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over 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

The unions are only available on Steam, since it's tied to the Discord app, and the Gamepass version has to be consistent with the Xbox version. In regards to achievements, I'm not sure how the game tracks them and if you're able to do them again on each platform.