Deep Rock Galactic is a spooky 30% off on Steam as part of the Halloween Sale. If you know of any zombified stiffs who's been putting off joining the most tenacious mining company in the galaxy, the time is NOW!
@rnshaw19 We have a bug channel on Discord - he should be able to restore his save in the game options, if he hasn't disabled cloud saves.
In about 8 hours from this tweet, we'll be streaming this week's regular Deep Dive + a few missions. Will Axel take lethal fall damage? Can Jacob get his mic to reach actual audible levels? Will Johan win the cave leech challenge? Place your bets now!
@MCasualSomeone Wow! That’s very rock and stone!
@MCasualSomeone: engie's miniature,created from scratch
@JoinDeepRock #JoinDeepRock #DeepRockGalactic #rockandstone
@GeezlyCrams It will be added in a hotfix. It's going through cert now.
It really do be like that sometimes.
Monty Python and the Holy Molly @JoinDeepRock
@Deepnausea: 🔴Live It's all gone Halloween! Road to 1000 followers!
Viewers get to pick what dwarf, hazard level, and mission we do!
@killyklamm ‘tis the season!
As a special Halloween treat we’ve also added the previous two Halloween exclusive hats. Make sure you go get them before Halloween is over!
@Jmartin657 @InterWill What happens if you skip tutorial first?
@xTheVeganBearx: Made this tweet again because the last was a incoherent mess. Anyway HEY EVERYONE check out this cool new cosmetic @Gho…
@Pyrostasis Currently, no plans for it as there are a lot of obstacles. It's not ruled out, though.
@SkabPixels @Pyrostasis It's possible to transfer the saves manually if you want.
@Pyrostasis Yes.
Deep Rock Galactic is coming to Game Pass!
So0o0o0o0o0o0o0on (read it all spooky like a ghost would say it)
Halloween Event is now LIVE on both Steam and Xbox/Windows 10!
This is Halloween.
@RAargoubi If you’ve collected everything there is, then yes.