DEV STREAM: If we take one more step, it'll be the farthest from the spacerig we've ever been.
DEV STREAM: Digging too deep and too greedily
@professorhazard @Legionless_ The dwarves are all miners, so there are no plans to specialize any of the dwarves in mining minerals. Besides, the drills are built for rapid tunneling, and the failsafe ensures that they can’t directly damage the valuable (and soon-to-be company property) minerals.
@Jmartin657 That’s not right. Passed it on to the team.
@DeceGGWP At this point it’s pretty much up to Microsoft’s servers if the classic “turn it off and then on again” fails, unfortunately.
@shamshandwich At this point it’s pretty much up to Microsoft’s servers if the classic “turn it off and then on again” fails, unfortunately.
@Legionless_: This Friday, at 8am, I'll be doing a live Q&A about the Driller class in @JoinDeepRock. I want to continue helping you enj…
@Hagbarth_F FOR KARL!
The multiplayer framework update for the Xbox/Windows Store version of DRG should be live NOW! If you're on the Windows Store version, please uninstall and reinstall if you haven't already - see the previous tweet about it. Let us know what you think!
@kill_gojira It should be fully compatible as far as we know. Currently no plans for a specific upgrade.
@SipcoGames It's not a trivial thing to do and would require more development time per update since we'd have to juggle more platforms for the same release + a bunch of other boring reasons.
@Rex_PowerColter Yes, that's what it is supposed to improve upon.
@NFaneuf It should fix the connection issues along with a few other things related to the old framework. Improvements should be seen all along the line.
@flopnose We couldn't tell you even if it was.
@DeceGGWP The issue is that you wouldn't know if it was installed, hence the clumsy "uninstall, wait 24 hours, reinstall" process. The updated version is deploying in approximately 5 hours from this tweet.
@HlasnicekSawyer No, that’s able to Update itself. It’s just the Windows Store version that can’t handle such a big change and need an entirely new version.
@golden_tankard Nope.
@JeremySlane Not at all.