Going live soon with the new Elite Deep Dives - and the Halloween update!
@xTheVeganBearx: @JoinDeepRock If anyone is interested in taking a look at the update I made a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uu0ajZonJQ&t=135s
inb4 "lol gamedev"
Surprise! The Halloween Event is here early! (mostly because we had to fix a bug with a floating egg, and already added all the spoopy stuff.)
In about 20 minutes we're going live with a Dev Stream of the new Deep Dives!
@taboovnjh @TheMerjey @Hollyw00dz1
@Ocfos You're an honorary Mike then!
Late last night Mike, one of our resident game designers, was a guest on the GameGrin podcast - check it out here:
@GameGrin: The GameGrin GrinCast Episode 222 - Deep Rock Galactic Coming Before 2024 | @JoinDeepRock @GhostShip_Games #deeprockgalactic…
@SHlasnicek That’s the plan.
Hoxxes IV is about to get spooky!
@MissRedRage: its an art kind of spam day 😝
another one for my twitch, deep rock collection/past stream section just to make things p…
Just another evening in the hellish pits of Hoxxes IV. Fan-art by Karl Co. on Discord.
@PastrySeraph: “Craft Dwarven Ale Flight” A line up of buff beer concepts for the miners of DRG. Labels for each one and a little doodle…
I have a hard time picking my favorite thing about this, but if I absolutely have to, it's gotta be E V E R Y T H I N G! 👻🎃
@Owlrus98 We don't talk about the outcome. The wound is still fresh.
@PCNS82 @GhostShip_Games Carry me, I need those overclocks.