sh*tty supply Haiku: Please don't double-dip To save your bearded dwarf arse Someone needs that clip
@FergusMacBolg That's pretty damn close to actual artist quality.
This fan-made video from Discord regular Zamboni has ROCK & STONED its way directly into the mines of our hearts.
"Come to Hoxxes IV. It's true what they say; we all float down here." Picture by UltraJC on Discord.
@TryHardo Most likely more sales, can't say anything about when.
Space Dwarf anime? I'd watch that.
@MajinBuXL: Due to unforseen Glyphid swarming our 8pm EST live stream may be delayed 20-30 mins! Follow us on fo…
@JoinDeepRock: G L O R I O U S
@DiggaComic: @JoinDeepRock We drew Ghost Ship: Mark and Ghost Ship: Pedro today! Tomorrow I'm going to be tackling more dwarves on strea…
Hotfix 4 is now out on Steam! Get it while it's hot! Changed overclock unlock requirements, tweaked speaks, and much more.
@DiggaComic: Drawing some @JoinDeepRock dwarves from the community. Might start up slow but feel free to hang ou…
Thanks to the awesome peeps at @discordapp, the flood gates have reopened. Come on in!
@Omegatani @discordapp There's an online cap - first at 10K, then most likely at every 10K after that. Most Discord servers probably won't hit that issue, but we've hit the cap once before and had to get someone to turn the right knob at Discord.
@Devon_DB If he is getting overclocks from doing normal missions, it's because he was doing Breach the Core, and completed the sub goals, so you're not missing out on anything he got. You have your own Breach the Core - check the Assignment terminal for yours. ⛏️
@Devon_DB Cargo crates give you rare skins and should tell you during the mission. There's two assignments that give you overclocks too. One is Breach the Core, which is a nine mission thing, that awards overclocks too. The other is Weekly Core Hunt, which is unlocked after BtC.
@get_stalked @discordapp I feel "We drank your beer" tugs a bit more at the heartstrings.
@rdaborn @discordapp Discord!
@Devon_DB If he currently has the "Breach the core" assignment active, you might have been doing them, which does award overclocks after a mission.
Due to Update 25 being so heckin' cool, we've hit a Discord cap of 20.000 online dwarves. We're throwing empty ale mugs at 🍻@discordapp🍻 to get more space to fit more space dwarves. Stay tuned! 🍻