@baggiobertie @ChrisLauManson I think you two have some things you need to talk about.
@Kartoffelnman What if I told you there's some sort of box-shaped object involved? Might be a terminal, might be box-shaped anvil type of thing?
@ChrisLauManson @baggiobertie Who hurt you?
@PP95650174 Still a hat/helmet!
@jerryzhaopeng Not yet!
@zuthuzu The one in the middle is Mission Control.
What's a game without loads of hats and hat-like objects? (still from an upcoming video)
@JoinDeepRock: Me: Actually, coming up with good wordplay is rather challeng... Designers: We call this the "Hoverclock". Me: ... https:…
@Arcynekine Thanks!
@freek20992816 Might be the drop.
First time I've ever seen anyone casually swoop up all the lootbug loot in one try.
@Rex_PowerColter That airtime tho.
Me: Actually, coming up with good wordplay is rather challeng... Designers: We call this the "Hoverclock". Me: ...