@DariusSlayer @WatchMixer @OfficialDLive @GhostShip_Games @DRGMission Happy birthday!
"Dwarven Yoga" - 2019 Medium: Lossy jpeg on canvas by Her3Aft3r on Discord
@DwarvianGuard @gorthalive
@siefier25 @DariusSlayer
@Charesque1 Hey now, don't spoil it for everyone else.
@JoinDeepRock: ✔️ Don't get them wet. ✔️ Don't expose them to bright light. ❌ Don't feed them after midnight.
Maybe we weaponized a platypus? Someone had to. (Perry the Shootapus - art by Tater on Discord)
inb4 "I'm pretty sure this gun was in the original Quake."
"ThE nEw WeApOn SkInS LaCk ViSuAl MoDiFiCaTiOns" No they don't, which this severely spoiler-mangled image surely demonstrates.
@dailyrush: Vi har mødt danske Ghost Ship Games på Christianshavn til en snak om spiludvikling, Early Access og selvfølgelig deres store…
@GamingHoagie I count at least five.
Surely this would be on the list of top 10 game crossovers ever!
@AlieNSFWCroc Woooah
@EastsideShow Indeed they are.
✔️ Don't get them wet. ✔️ Don't expose them to bright light. ❌ Don't feed them after midnight.