@AnLegacy97 We're still trying to figure out why it happens as it is not consistent for everyone.
@magical_fuchs We're looking into it currently, trying to pinpoint why it happens.
DEV STREAM: "And I think the escape pod knows which way to go / Tell my Steeves I love them very much, they know"
@yashxlv It's common network problems that all games with networking can have, but not everyone will necessarily experience them.
We'll be resuming the weekly Developer Stream/Deep Dives in about 10 minutes! Join us on Twitch via the link below (or on Facebook, Youtube, or even right here on twitter)
@crichterfilm What would be helpful for us tracking it down is video of the entire process from start of the game to the point of failure, as it might help us replicate it.
@crichterfilm We're looking into this, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly what's wrong as it works for a lot of people, but fails for some consistently.
@ChambersT212 It works for some, so it was worth a shot. We're still looking into other possible reasons for it.
@DanialDeSilva08 And the cable is certified for HDMI2.1 and above? That's odd. 🤔
@DanialDeSilva08 You need to disable 120Hz - that's only supported on 4K TVs with HDMI2.1. If your TV supports that, you might be using a cable that's HDMI2.0 orlower.
@Doomsys1 We'll roll out more languages, once we have the launch issues under control.
@maraac123 Did this happen after you updated? And are you on the same network?
@Snoogins101 We're looking into the connection problems that some people are having. If you're on the same network, there may be an easy fix among these:
@BayPangoro We'll roll out more languages in a batch as these require certification.
@Simba61059629 If you actually read the link, you'll see that it's a collection of fixes to common issues for a lot of games, and that the fixes are mostly related to changing stuff in your own home network. That the bugs happen a lot with PS4 games, doesn't mean it's a PS4 issue, sheesh.
@MartinKi1337 @ichbinalbaneer @WOffiziel @deetopiansky Does it work if you leave the game open? You should be able to change it afterwards.
@newelcd @garrett_therob
@Zach12341128 Have you tried ordering the Glyphid Slammer Supporters edition at the bar? That should be it.
@Positive_Nomad @Arctic_Buggie @simaocosta032 Have you both updated the game?
@ichbinalbaneer @WOffiziel @deetopiansky That wasn't part of the hotfix. You should be able to find their game in the serverlist if it's open and available.