Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

30 Aug


This belongs in a museum.

29 Aug



27 Aug


Originally posted by nikki-xc

this is a lazy and untrue answer, I found a thread where the devs made a female character model and didn't complete it.

The female character I believe was leaked during an early stream, but as far as I remember, it was to explore one of the possible routes to go. The result didn't live up to the standard we'd want for a female character, and made us realize that we'd need to redo a major part of the character rig to make it happen, and that's currently not in the plans.


Originally posted by LeonTheHero

except if you read the post Jacob was responding to (here it is because reddit's UI is stupid ) the context makes it very clear that when he said "it's not about four male dwarves, it's just about four dwarves" he wasn't saying they're genderless, just that the distinction between genders is irrelevant to the identity of the game (and that they still want to add females dwarves someday). that entire post is literred with links confiming that the dwarves we see in-game are in fact, canonically male.

This is the correct interpretation. While the characters are male, it's not really what defines the game. We did want to do female characters, but with the amount of work needed to redo the underlying systems, it's such a massive undertaking that we currently don't have any plans to do so, even though we'd like to.

26 Aug

25 Aug

24 Aug


Originally posted by Disgraced002381

It is already sadly and there's really no fixing to it. This community is one of the most reddit like in cringe way, circlejerk, and hive-minded in gaming subreddit. It was like this 4 years ago. Before that, it was rather normal but when people start posting same meme, same image, same joke over and over and over and mods did nothing to stop that, it became like this. At one point, it was so bad there was talking about making subreddit for meme(much like fashion) but it didn't happen because mods and devs needed little engagements and impression. Not to mention, in early days, both mods and devs were really aggressive and toxic which was apparent especially in discord. You can search on subreddit to see bits of that.

That initial part of your post is fine. It's an opinion.
The last 2/3rds are straight-up fiction though.
There's never been talk of a meme subreddit on behalf of the developers, and I really don't know how you've arrived at the conclusion that it didn't happen because this subreddit needed "little engagements and impression". The same goes for the "mods and devs being really aggressive and toxic". If that has ever happened it was before my time, and even then I have a very hard time believing that it's true.
I'm all for feedback and constructive criticism, but don't make up stuff to bolster your arguments.

23 Aug



22 Aug


Originally posted by Condescending_Comet

So, and I know this might not be the place to ask, is there anyway of getting the .obj file for tip-c? I’ve been 3D printing my favorite files from the game, and don’t have one for tip-c. Him with his smiling face screen up and arms out is my favorite variant.

Might have to extract that yourself.


Originally posted by cthulhuplus_ttv

That wasn't us, though.

21 Aug


Originally posted by Defiant_Umpire_1978

You see, thats an ELVEN bunker. A dwarven bunker has a hole where bugs come in and bullets go out.

Cool, a bugghole!


Originally posted by ItinerantMercury

Is anyone else worried that they are running out of ideas? Not dissing ok? I love DRG. But Bots isn't exactly what DRG was missing. Maybe they have gone as far as their momentum has got them?

The fans seem to have endless cool ideas though!

That’s why Season 3 is; Robots? Moar liek nobots, amirite? (Not about more robots)


Originally posted by SuspiciousSubstance9

This brings new meaning to the phrase 'I heard they used real mules back in the day'...

Get out

20 Aug


Originally posted by Puppd

Was it already that name or just now?

Already was.


Originally posted by Lady_Ymir

I demand to see developer notes. Behind the scene files that indeed call it Tip-c.

You are powerless here.