Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

26 Mar

25 Mar


I'm glad we added that booster below her, so the occasional flying makes sense.

19 Mar


What do you mean? A physical copy? The soundtrack is available in digital format on Steam and on a couple of streaming services.
There was also a limited run of vinyls that aren't available anymore.


Originally posted by MadeOfPork

he gjosts you

well, sjit

17 Mar


Whoever did that was banned right away, so it's safe to rejoin.

13 Mar


Hello Miners,
Just coming with a quick bulletin from Ghost Ship Publishing: SpellRogue, one of our publishing titles (developed by Guidelight Games), will be leaving Early Access and launching into 1.0 on April 24th.

If you haven’t heard of SpellRogue, it’s a dice-based roguelike deckbuilder game where you roll dice (and manipulate and enchant them) to power up spells in turn-based combat. Think Dicey Dungeons meets Slay the Spire.

You can wishlist it (or buy it while it’s still in Early Access) right here:

... Read more

12 Mar


Hello Miners,
Small one today (well, technically yesterday) miners, we received the message that the Skullcrusher armor needed fixin’

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

--- PATCH NOTES — - Fixed some cloth material that would not use the correct paintjob when using the Skullcrusher framework


Originally posted by Ruseph_

All really cool ideas but I don't believe they'll ever be added. I think the reason why the devs didn't like the upgradable flares, is that new players were stumbling around in the dark with poor qualiry flares before they had gotten the chance to upgrade it. I'm personally glad to see the change but I think ideas like these are awesome to experiment with.


10 Mar


Originally posted by SomeDudWithAPhone

Whips out a piano.

Welcome... To Point Extraction... Have a look a round.

Seriously- get those blue rocks from walls or the ground.

We've got mountains of glyphids, some better... Some worse...

And if you do not hurry- it'll turn into a giant curse.

Welcome, to Point Extraction! What would you prefer?

Would you like to burn through bugs or be a Dwarven blur?

We've got Drillers and Gunners... Engies or Scouts...

And a bunch-a-freaking-miners-wanting-Aquarq-where-abouts...

Hehe... Welcome to Point Extraction!

Mine all through these rocks, cuz a Greybeard kindly sent you some weird glitchy box! It is crazy and glowy... He just found some moooore...

Don't act surprized, you know you like it, you Dwarf!

(I ran outta ideas for lyrics. Parody of Welcome to the Internet, by Bo Burnham.)

I read it in Bo’s voice from the very first line. 😅

09 Mar


Originally posted by Radijs

Did you meet him last night at the bar?

I can neither confirm or deny...


Originally posted by pallarslol


Rock and Stone!

07 Mar


“Beep beep, Richie”

06 Mar


Originally posted by No-Future-4644

So you didn't put the caretaker on a diet? Gotcha...



Originally posted by price_of_tags

Getting your mom consiste... (ahem) looks like I'll need to rock and stone some rival bots more and find out rock and stone you amazing developer ⛏️

Pretty sure you're confusing me with Jacob. Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by DogyDisco

Only played one game so I can't say it was consistent. It wasn't just downscaled either, there were 3 tentacle holes instead of 4 and the model was a little different in other ways.

OK, that's very odd. Were you the host?


Originally posted by Siegward_knite

Rock and Stone Devs!!

Rock and Stone to the bone!

05 Mar