Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

15 Jan


Originally posted by Pressure-Head

What is that flying thing in the middle of the screen ? is it going to be a new enemy type ?

I don't see that thing on the leaks or in the steam announcement

It's definitely been in some of the leaks.


Originally posted by Raulikien

The steam post didn't have the full res images and extra screenshots so have a beautiful wallpaper and also the awesome screenshots for the new enemies and biomes here and here

This official art was made u/The_Zanate. Also not everyone knew about the presskit but it has tons of cool stuff for wallpapers, videos... so now you know.

Edit: sorry I said Update 34, it's Update 33 :S

You're such a noob Raulikien :D

14 Jan


Originally posted by datgooddude

I wonder how much playing the experimental branch helps you find bugs? A lot or just a little? I played the last experimental branch, and after reporting some bugs, I wondered if my reports were helpful or not.

Also, have you ever thought about implementing an in-game bug reporting and feedback feature (for the experimental branch) like the developers of Subnautica do for their games?

It’s immensely helpful. While we do a lot of hotfixing post release, experimental helps us find the worst bugs and iron those out before we go live. Nothing compares to the actual push we get at release, though. Procedural generation has a lot of blind spots, which is why we need to do hotfixes. Experimental only catches the worst and most obvious ones, but it’s definitely a great tool for us.


Originally posted by ItsDominare

I hope Brundle is a The Fly reference.

I can’t imagine it’s not, knowing our crew.


Originally posted by AdSad2167

Right now it's nickname is Compy (short for Compsagnathus; our usernames in games are plays on Jurassic Park).

But if they are twins I'm game to name them Arse-wipe and Lactator. Pretty much what we'll be doing the whole first year.

As a dad of a 13 month old fartgoblin, I can relate.


Originally posted by BawtleOfHawtSauze

Is this going to be part of update 33?



Originally posted by ItsaJackle

Building pipelines in salvage? I wonder if that means fuel cells are gonna drop farther from the pod now and need to be connected..

I don't think so. It's just getting us out of having to explain wireless refueling.


Originally posted by paulpapetrie

It's February 4th.

Spoiler :|


Originally posted by malum-panem

Looking at the Mactera Veterans, I'm guessing the Tri-Jaw fires 3 shots in a spread pattern, and that the Brundle is a tankier variant.

That's a bingo!


Greetings, Miners!
You’ve all been twiddling your beards in anticipation of this, so here it is. Update 33 will release onto Steam on February 4th. Titled NEW FRONTIERS, Update 33 will grant access to two brand new biomes - the mysterious wonders of the AZURE WEALD, and the thorn-infested hell of HOLLOW BOUGH. Update 33 also includes all-new Mactera variations and several new strains of horrible Glyphid Dreadnought mutations.

Should the new biomes, the Dreadnought Hiveguard, and the monster twins: Dreadnought Arbalest and Lacerator, not satisfy your thirst, we also have the Mactera Trijaw and the Mactera Brundle standing by to harass your endeavors, together with tweaks and changes to current mission types, such as being able to retrieve Doretta's control unit in Escort missions plus downloading the location M.U.L.E legs, an... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Originally posted by rodinj

When the screen got darker I was absolutely sure you were going to wake up in Skyrim.

Now I have regrets.


Originally posted by adam123453

Just because you're "important" doesn't mean you're right. GSG developers do not speak with the infallible word of god, they can use words wrong, and guess what, they f**king do. You people are pathetic.

Hi adam.

You're wrong. See my other reply. :)

And lose the attitude, please.


Originally posted by adam123453

Not a leak.

Hey, adam... get leeched. :D

The definition of the word leak is this according to google:"intentionally disclose (something private or secret)."

We're calling it "leaks" for several different reasons.- It's small tidbits of info, that's not released in the grand scheme of things.- It's information that's been kept secret up until then.- I sometimes have to wrestle these from the designers and artists.- It's way easier to use the word "leak" for puns in our stream titles.- Calling them leaks has become a tradition at this point.

Is it a leak in the traditional sense that someone stole it from one of our drives and is now revealing our innermost design desires to the world? No.Is it a leak in the other traditional sense that we're sharing something that was kept secret up until then? Yes.Can you intentionally leak some information from an update? Yes.Is letting a small piece of a much larger mass slip out a leak? Yes.So is this a leak? Yes, yes it is. Not in e...

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