Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

20 May


You have a future in marketing!


Within 1-2 weeks, usually. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by washoutlabish

When will the explosive update come out for Xbox?

Around 1-2 weeks after the Steam update is released.

19 May




Originally posted by AtomicAlienZ

I know it's 3 AM but I'm either blind or there's no "company special" skin for the bulldog.

My bad, will fix it for the next patch.

18 May


Originally posted by LotharLandru

It tends to be about 2 weeks after the PC updates that xbone gets theirs

This. Within 1-2 weeks, usually.


Now that's a mineral hoarder!

17 May


I'll pop this over to the QA people.


Originally posted by ProfesseurNimbus

Awesome update, as usual !

I'm afraid some retroactive achievements still aren't working properly, I'm not sure which should or not be awarded reatroactively but here's a list of some I haven't unlock while having definitely completed the recquirements (I have 350+ hours in the game for reference and play since update 14).

I did get some achievements first time I launched the game since update 24 (miner / expert miner / legendary miner / advanced robotics / Feelin' Perky / Exploring my options), but not other:

// should be retroactive but bugged from my understanding

- Management Approves (locked at 13/25 but I have only 3 milestones left total)

- Movin' On Up (dwarves are Driller Silver 2 / Engi silver 2 / Gunner Bronze 3 / Scout gold 3, all promotion achievements are at 0 / N)

- Corporate Climber

- Hat Trick

- Full team Ahead

- Silver-Tier Employee

- Gold-Tier Employee

- Pr...

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Codeman Axel posted some details on the retroactive achievements on Discord. Here's the deets.
Retroactive Achievements and how to get your previous progress for them:
- Approved Greenbeard complete any assignment.
- Big Spender Buy one round at the bar.
- Miner / Expert Miner / Legendary Miner Complete one mission.
- Promotion Related achievements Promote any one character. (there's gotta be some challenge for you 📷 )
- Moustacho Open the terminal where you buy cosmetics.
- Total Makeover Open the character customization terminal (this will not trigger if you use any default cosmetics, remember to change everything)
- Performance matters/Management Approves/Feelin' Perky Open the Key Performance Terminal (KPI) note: this is not how you achieve the achievements, this is just for getting th...

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Originally posted by Sir-Goldfish

Could we get a May Update?

At some point, yes. The designers have to agree on the details first - lots of planning goes into this, and they don't want to promise too much .


Originally posted by tekbread

okay i dont remember the dev names well (dont blame me okay if it isnt you it mostly counts towards you but if you can mention who i keep making the its not there yet meme too for me that would be appereciated.) so ive been playing for a long time and holy i appreciate this small things so much. achievments are lovely. the elevators looking better is great. grenades are cool i just mix maxxing out my upgrades on them. the new loading is lovely and the look of hoxes outside the window. the new drop pod mid game is the best. there is too much to list. the only thing i need now is to find the nothing here yet message. it should be here somewhere. thanks for the amazing update.

It's still there. Keep looking! Robert will be proud if you find it.

16 May


You were nice and helping people out. Nothing wrong with that. Stay awesome, miner.


Originally posted by breadedfishstrip

Fixed poodle related overlay issues

I'm uh.. I'm gonna assume this is a typo

Yeah, it should probably say noodle.


Originally posted by breadedfishstrip

What's a "Miner Community terminal"? I've tried every terminal I can think of in the lobby but I can't find where to claim this $5000 that keeps popping up.

There’s one in the medbay, memorial Hall and at the bar, think.


Originally posted by Haradda

Huh, that might be why I shot my teammate point-blank with a grenade launcher yesterday while trying to pickaxe/shotgun some bugs. At least that's the story I'm going with.

I'll back you up in court, buddy.

  • Glacial Strata - Decreased the cooling rate for Frost Praetorian breath attack and death cloud.
  • Glacial Strata - Cooling effect from blasts of freezing air now stop as soon as you leave the area of effect
  • [COMMUNITY REQUEST] Typo fixed in Plasma Burster grenade description
  • [COMMUNITY REQUEST] Hole plugged in the upper launch bay. Well spotted, miner.
  • [COMMUNITY REQUEST] Elevator shafts on Space Rig cleaned up a little because there's nothing we won't do for our players.
  • Minor hole plugged in monitor mesh
  • Fixed XP bar showing for players on the loading screen
  • Fixed poodle related overlay issues
  • Fixed bomber puddles creating permanent overlays
  • Fix for terrain related crashes
  • Hoarder's electrical resistance increased
  • Cryo Grenade area of effect increased
  • Fixed the retroactive functionality for promotion achievements
  • Throwing axe can now hit all killable things
  • ...
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